
Element layout engine for Mootools

Primary LanguageJavaScript


mooMasonry is a layout plugin for Mootools. Think of it as the flip side of CSS floats. Whereas floating arranges elements horizontally then vertically, mooMasonry arranges elements vertically then horizontally according to a grid. The result minimizes vertical gaps between elements of varying height, just like a mason fitting stones in a wall.


Comparison Example

CSS Floats Screenshot

mooMasonry Screenshot

How to use

HTML code:

<div id="primary">
	<div class="box col2">...</div>
	<div class="box col1">...</div>
	<div class="box col1">...</div>
	<div class="box col3">...</div>
    	<div class="box col1">...</div>
    	<div class="box col2">...</div>
    	<div class="box col3">...</div>

JS sample:

    columnWidth: 100, 
    itemSelector: '.box' 




	singleMode: false,
	// Disables measuring the width of each floated element.
	// Set to true if floated elements have the same width.
	// default: false

	columnWidth: 240,
	// Width in pixels of 1 column of your grid.
	// default: outer width of the first floated element.

	itemSelector: '.box:visible',
	// Additional selector to specify which elements inside
	// the wrapping element will be rearranged.
	// Required for Infinite Scroll with window resizing.

	resizeable: true,
	// Binds a mooMasonry call to window resizes.
	// default: true

	appendedContent: '.new_content',
	// Additional container element for appended content.
	// Useful for Infinite Scroll integration.



	Fires when masonry of the container is complete. contrainer is the wrapper who just got masoned.


	Masons the element (which should be a wrapper) with the given options