
evalexpr @ 42 - recursive descent parser implementation

Primary LanguageC

evalexpr @ 42

This is one of the numerous projects done during the 42 piscine in July 2015. It was completed in a week and can solve basic mathematical expressions. The evaluator runs on recursive descent parsing explained here. I absolutely recommend you read that article as it helped me tons while making this. This was an assignment, so some things are not handled on purpose (see below).


Run make, an executable called eval_expr should compile directly. Please submit an issue if you run into any.


./eval_expr "expression"


$ ./eval_expr "1 + 2 * (3 - 42) % 5"


Subject constraints

Please note the evaluator does not have error-handling of any kind. The subject states that all input must be valid, so no error checking is performed.

A valid expression:

  • must only contain the operators +, -, *, /, and %
  • must only have integer values
  • can contain parentheses, but each group must be properly closed
  • can contain spaces

Since we are doing whole number arithmetic, divisions are euclidian keeping only the quotient, while the remainder can be obtained with a modulo operation.