
Stream MySQL's binary logs to s3

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repo is only a proof of concept. Do not use it for production.


This package can be installed with easy install, I recommand installing it in a clean virtualenv.

python setup.py install


The binlog2s3 utility needs:

  • a mysqlbinlog binary
  • an empty local directory (binlogs will be streamed here)
  • an empty S3 bucket (binlogs will be uploaded here)

Once this is done, it can be started with the following command.

$ binlog2s3 \
  --binary /usr/local/bin/mysqlbinlog \
  --hostname exmapledb1. \
  --port 3306 \
  --username repl \
  --password passwordhere \
  --start-file mysql-bin.000001 \
  --tempdir ${HOME}/tmpdir \
  --bucket_name BUCKET_NAME_HERE

Once the process is started, it starts a mysqlbinlog process which streams the binary logs to the local directory from there, they are streamed to S3 with multipart uploads (5M a time). If there are no parts to upload, the program will wait for more binary logs to arrive.

The temp directory needs to be empty when this is started.