
Client for the Innovate payment Gateway.

Primary LanguagePHP

NAMSHI | Innovate

Build Status


This library provides support for the Innovate payment gateway using Guzzle.


You can install this library via composer: have a look at the package on packagist.

Then include it into your composer.json:

"namshi/innovate": "1.0.*",

Pick major and minor version according to your needs.


Using this library is easy, you need to define client and send the required data to perform the payment

use Namshi\Innovate\Payment\Transaction;
use Namshi\Innovate\Payment\BillingInformation;
use Namshi\Innovate\Payment\Browser;
use Namshi\Innovate\Payment\Billing\Customer;
use Namshi\Innovate\Payment\Billing\Address;
use Namshi\Innovate\Payment\Card;
use Namshi\Innovate\Client;

$client       = new Client($storeId, $authenticationKey); // retrieve them from innovate
$transaction  = new Transaction('sale', 'ecom', true, 'ORDER_NUMBER', 'DESCRIPTION', 'USD', 40, 'AN OPTIONAL REFERENCE TO YOUR TRANSACTION');
$card         = new Card('1234123412341234', '111', new \DateTime($cardExpiryDate));
$customer     = new Customer('Mr', 'John', 'Doe');
$address      = new Address('My address info 1', 'My address info 2', 'My address info 3', 'San Francisco', 'California', 'US', '00000');
$billing      = new BillingInformation($customer, $address, "customers's-email@gmail.com", $customerIpAddress);
$browser      = new Browser($customerUserAgent, $requestAcceptHeader);
$response     = $client->performPayment($transaction, $card, $billing, $browser);

How Its Working

There are two types of transactions (3-D_Secure transaction, Normal transaction) depending on the type of the response, the proper transaction method can be determined:

use use Namshi\Innovate\Http\Response\Redirect;

$response = $client->performPayment($transaction, $card, $billing, $browser);

if ($response instanceOf Redirect) {
    // 3D secure transactions
} else {
    // Normal transactions

Authorization Statuses

A request is sent, the authorization is granted, and then the payment request is sent, you will recieve the response Http status code: 200

If the authorization is denied, you will receive a response with Http status code: 400

Normal transactions

A normal transaction follows a very simple flow, as it just requires authentication through Innovate, and the library will perform the payment:

$response = $this->client->performPayment($transaction, $card, $billing, $browser);

if ($response->getStatusCode() === 200) {
    // payment done
} else {
    // Authentication failed

3D secure transactions

A 3D secure transaction require 2 requests to innovate and 1 request for 3-D_Secure to additional security layer to perform the payment. The first request is already sent to innovate and if its 3d secure transaction it returns new instance of 'Namshi\Innovate\Http\Response\Redirect'

use Namshi\Innovate\Http\Response\Redirect;

if ($response instanceof Redirect) {
    // build a form

The response object contains the values ('targetUrl', 'session', 'paReq') which is needed to build the form:

$targetUrl = $response->getTargetUrl();
$session   = $response->getSession();
$pareq     = $response->getPareq();

Now, after receiving the previous values, they will be used to build a form as hidden values.

The form will be sent to the $targetUrl which is the 3D-secure page as follows:

<form name="acsform" action="[targetUrl from the response]" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="PaReq" value="[The pareq data from response]">
    <input type="hidden" name="MD" value="[Any value can be stored here which will be sent back unchanged in the the 3d secure response e.g to preserve the session id which we can send back to complete the transaction]">
    <input type="hidden" name="TermUrl" value="[return URL on your site]">
    <noscript><input type="Submit"></noscript>

'termUrl': the url that we need to direct the user to it after he submit the form.

See an example ACS (Access Control Server) Form

We need to submit the form with JS:

    function autosub() {

Then after the form is submitted the user will be redirected to 3D-Secure page which asks for extra credintials, then the user submit the 3-D_secure form and gets redirected to 'termUrl' page with two hidden values ('PaRes', 'MD') which are used to create the final request to innovate:

$extraData   = array(
    'PaRes'     => 'Authentication response', // we get this value from hidden fields after redirection to termUrl
    'session'   => 'MD', // we get this value from hidden fields after redirection to termUrl

$finalResponse   = $client->send($client->createRemoteRequest('POST', Client::INNOVATE_URL, null, null, $extraData));

Now we got the final response and we can check if the payment performed or denied:

if ($finalResponse->getStatusCode() === 200) {
    // payment done
} else {
    // Authentication failed


You can run the test suite by first installing the dependencies and running PHPUnit:

php composer.phar update


There are a couple integration tests that actually verify that the library works flawless. You need valid credentials for that, just create a file called .innovate.config in your your project directory with 4 parameters:


$configs = array(
	'storeId' 		    => 'xxxxx',  // your store Id in Innovate
	'authenticationKey' => 'xxxxxxxxxxx',  // your authentication key

// Card info
$cardInfo = array(
	'number'	=> '111111111111111',
	'cvv'		=> 'XXX',

// The card which need redirection for 3d secured
$redirectUrlCardInfo = array(
	'number'	=> '111111111111111',
	'cvv'		=> 'XXX',


// your ip and should be in Innovate white list
$ip = 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx';

To run integration test you need to run:

phpunit tests/Namshi/Innovate/Test/Integration/ServiceTest.php

P.S. There are no tests for 3d secure transactions.