
Purl is a simple Object Oriented URL manipulation library for PHP 5.3+

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Purl is a simple Object Oriented URL manipulation library for PHP 5.3+

Build Status

Using Purl

Creating Url instances is easy:


$url = new \Purl\Url('http://jwage.com');

You can also create Url instances through the static parse method if you prefer that style:


$url = \Purl\Url::parse('http://jwage.com');

One benefit of using this method is you can chain methods together after creating the Url:


$url = \Purl\Url::parse('http://jwage.com')
	->set('scheme', 'https')
	->set('port', '443')
	->set('user', 'jwage')
	->set('pass', 'password')
	->set('path', 'about/me')
	->set('query', 'param1=value1&param2=value2')
	->set('fragment', 'about/me?param1=value1&param2=value2');

echo $url->getUrl(); // https://jwage:password@jwage.com:443/about/me?param1=value1&param2=value2#about/me?param1=value1&param2=value2

// $url->path becomes instanceof Purl\Path
// $url->query becomes insstanceof Purl\Query
// $url->fragment becomes instanceof Purl\Fragment

Path Manipulation

$url = new \Purl\Url('http://jwage.com');

// add path segments one at a time

// set the path data from a string
$url->path = 'about/me/another_segment'; // $url->path becomes instanceof Purl\Path

// get the path segments
print_r($url->path->getData()); // array('about', 'me', 'another_segment')

Query Manipulation

$url = new \Purl\Url('http://jwage.com');
$url->query->set('param1', 'value1');
$url->query->set('param2', 'value2');

echo $url->query; // param1=value1&param2=value2
echo $url; // http://jwage.com?param1=value1&param2=value2

// set the query data from an array
	'param1' => 'value1',
	'param2' => 'value2'

// set the query data from a string
$url->query = 'param1=value1&param2=value2'; // $url->query becomes instanceof Purl\Query
print_r($url->query->getData()); //array('param1' => 'value1', 'param2' => 'value2')

Fragment Manipulation

$url = new \Purl\Url('http://jwage.com');
$url->fragment 'about/me?param1=value1&param2=value2'; // $url->fragment becomes instanceof Purl\Fragment

A Fragment is made of a path and a query and comes after the hashmark (#).

echo $url->fragment->path; // about/me
echo $url->fragment->query; // param1=value1&param2=value2
echo $url; // http://jwage.com#about/me?param1=value1&param2=value2

Domain Parts

Purl can parse a URL in to parts and its canonical form. It uses the list of domains from http://publicsuffix.org to break the domain into its suffix, domain, subdomain and canonical form.

$url = new \Purl\Url('http://about.jwage.com');

echo $url->suffix; // com
echo $url->domain; // jwage
echo $url->subdomain; // about
echo $url->canonical; // com.jwage.about/

Extract URLs

You can easily extract urls from a string of text using the extract method:

$string = 'some text http://google.com http://jwage.com';
$urls = \Purl\Url::extract($string);

echo $urls[0]; // http://google.com/
echo $urls[1]; // http://jwage.com/

Join URLs

You can easily join two URLs together using Purl:

$url = new \Purl\Url('http://jwage.com/about?param=value#fragment');
echo $url; // http://about.me/jwage?param=value#fragment

Or if you have another Url object already:

$url1 = new \Purl\Url('http://jwage.com/about?param=value#fragment');
$url2 = new \Purl\Url('http://about.me/jwage');
echo $url1; // http://about.me/jwage?param=value#fragment