
[验证码识别-部署] This project is based on CNN+BLSTM+CTC to realize verificationtion. This projeccode identificat is only for deployment models.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Build Status

Project Introduction

This project is based on CNN+BLSTM+CTC to realize verification code identification. This project is only for deployment models, If you need to train the model, please move to https://github.com/kerlomz/captcha_trainer


  1. The default requirements.txt will install CPU version, Change "requirements.txt" from "TensorFlow" to "TensorFlow-GPU" to Switch to GPU version, Use the GPU version to install the corresponding CUDA and cuDNN.
  2. demo.py: An example of how to call a prediction method.
  3. The model folder folder is used to store model configuration files such as model.yaml.
  4. The graph folder is used to store compiled models such as model.pb
  5. The deployment service will automatically load all the models in the model configuration. When a new model configuration is added, the corresponding compilation model in the graph folder will be automatically loaded, so if you need to add it, please copy the corresponding compilation model to the graph path first, then add the model configuration.


  1. Install the python 3.6 environment (with pip)
  2. Install virtualenv pip3 install virtualenv
  3. Create a separate virtual environment for the project:
    virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv # venv is the name of the virtual environment.
    cd venv/ # venv is the name of the virtual environment.
    source bin/activate # to activate the current virtual environment.
    cd captcha_platform # captcha_platform is the project path.
  4. pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Copy a config_demo.yaml to the same directory named config.yaml
  6. Place your trained model.yaml in model folder, and your model.pb in graph folder (create if not exist)
  7. Deploy as follows.

1. Http Version

  1. Linux Deploy (Linux/Mac):

    1. Port: 5000
    pip install gunicorn
    gunicorn -c deploy.conf.py flask_server:app
    1. Port: 19951
    python flask_server.py
    1. Port: 19952
    python tornado_server.py
    1. Port: 19953
    python sanic_server.py
  2. Windows Deploy (Windows):

    python xxx_server.py
  3. Request

    Request URI Content-Type Payload Type Method
    http://localhost:[Bind-port]/captcha/v1 application/json JSON POST
    Parameter Required Type Description
    image Yes String Base64 encoding binary stream
    model_site No String Site name, bindable in yaml configuration
    model_type No String Category, bindable in yaml configuration

    The request is in JSON format, like: {"image": "base64 encoded image binary stream"}

  4. Response

    Parameter Name Type Description
    message String Identify results or error messages
    code String Status Code
    success String Whether to request success

    The return is in JSON format, like: {"message": "xxxx", "code": 0, "success": true}

2. G-RPC Version


python3 grpc_server.py

Port: 50054


python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I. --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. ./grpc.proto

Directory Structure

- captcha_platform
    - grpc_server.py
    - flask_server.py
    - tornado_server.py
    - sanic_server.py
    - demo.py
- model
    - model-1.yaml
    - model-2.yaml
    - ...
- graph
    - Model-1.pb
    - ...

Management Model

  1. Load a model
  • Put the trained pb model in the graph folder.
  • Put the trained yaml model configuration file in the model folder.
  1. Unload a model
  • Delete the corresponding yaml configuration file in the model folder.
  • Delete the corresponding pb model file in the graph folder.
  1. Update a model
  • Put the trained pb model in the graph folder.
  • Put the yaml configuration file with "Version" greater than the current version in the model folder.
  • Delete old models and configurations.


This project use SATA License (Star And Thank Author License), so you have to star this project before using. Read the license carefully.




Thank you very much for your support of my project. 赞助