
Integrate FOREX

jonathan-gatard opened this issue · 5 comments


I think it can be nice if we could integrate the forex, i have JPY, CAD, USD, GBP, and it doesn't works on a grafana. We see only JPY because graphs are bigger than others.

Objective is to get EUR/USD, EUR/JPY, etc... and multiply the value

I already did it with excel (powerquerry) but i prefer with python and influxdb ! But i'm really noob in python...

And why not add a category FOREX to the portfolio to follow the evolution ;)

I'll try tomorrow ;)

Hi Kalypox, I already did it by putting in the quote tag. In your case it is EURJPY=X in the "sigle" and whatever name you want in "nom". Just use the part in the brackets from yahoo finance including the =X section. Like EUR/USD (EURUSD=X), you use EURUSD=X.

Only problem I'm dealing with is the quantitie has to be an integer. But this is not realistic when doing FX. Any ideas ?

I'm working on it to transform all values in euro (or other) in your program. I'm learning python/influxdb/yfinance

I added 2 functions :

def getLastValue(ticker):
    ticker = yf.Ticker(ticker)
    history = ticker.history(interval="30m")
    return history.tail(1)['Close'].iloc[0]
def toEur(cours,symbole):
    if symbole != "EUR":
        return cours / getLastValue("EUR" + symbole + "=X")
        return cours
def run():
        with open('data.json') as json_file:
            json_loaded = json.load(json_file)
            for info in json_loaded:                   
                value = getLastValue(info['ticker'])           
                json_body = [{
                    "measurement": "bourse",
                    "tags": {
                        "nom": info['nom']
                    "fields": {
                        "value_origine": value,
                        "value": toEur(value,info['symbole']),
                        "qte": info['qte'],
                        "pru": info['pru']
                influxdbClient = InfluxDBClient(
    except Exception as e:

And symbol in data.json
I made a lot of modifications on

Nice. Will try it out later.

To answer my previous question on the integer and real values, I find out that this it automatically assigned by InfluxDB when you first create the measurement. So if you put 0 or 1, it will assume it is an integer value and assign all values must be integers. To make it automatically assume a real number, then just put 0.0 or 1.0 and then you will have a real value assignment and you won't get errors when you put in 2.3 or other non whole number.


In release 2.0, the app forces float casting for number to avoid this kind of issue (cf 27f956b)