
There are 375 repositories under yfinance topic.

  • kaushikjadhav01/Stock-Market-Prediction-Web-App-using-Machine-Learning-And-Sentiment-Analysis

    Stock Market Prediction Web App based on Machine Learning and Sentiment Analysis of Tweets (API keys included in code). The front end of the Web App is based on Flask and Wordpress. The App forecasts stock prices of the next seven days for any given stock under NASDAQ or NSE as input by the user. Predictions are made using three algorithms: ARIMA, LSTM, Linear Regression. The Web App combines the predicted prices of the next seven days with the sentiment analysis of tweets to give recommendation whether the price is going to rise or fall

  • JordiCorbilla/stock-prediction-deep-neural-learning

    Predicting stock prices using a TensorFlow LSTM (long short-term memory) neural network for times series forecasting

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5381917115
  • Stock-Prediction


    Technical and sentiment analysis to predict the stock market with machine learning models based on historical time series data and news article sentiment collected using APIs and web scraping.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1625434
  • asafravid/sss

    Stock Scanner & Screener: A yfinance-based Stock Scanner and Screener, focusing on Fundamental Properties of scanned stocks.

  • petermartens98/OpenAI-Stock-Market-Chat-Bot

    Python Streamlit web app with an SQLite user login/authentication system. Application allows users to select multiple stocks, metrics, and visualizations. A Langchain pandas agent utilizing GPT-4 and customized stock-market/financial prompts is then initiated allowing the user to intelligently interact with their specified data.

  • pbrissaud/suivi-bourse

    Monitor the stock shares you own with Python and Prometheus !

  • stockalgo/bandl

    bandl is an open-source library, provides APIs for equity stocks, derivatives, and cryptocurrencies. APIs for NSE EQ/FNO data, Nasdaq, Samco, 5Paisa, AngelBroking, Binance, and Coinbase are available.

  • ymyke/tessa

    tessa – simple, hassle-free access to price information of financial assets 📉🤓📈

  • 034adarsh/Stock-Price-Prediction-Using-LSTM

    This project is about predicting stock prices with more accuracy using LSTM algorithm. For this project we have fetched real-time data from yfinance library.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook402016
  • Erfaniaa/financial-dataset-generator

    Financial Dataset Generator

  • vinaykale64/market-monitor

    Interactive app to monitor market using Python

  • Omar-Karimov/ChartScanAI

    ChartScanAI is an advanced app for detecting patterns in stock and cryptocurrency charts using deep learning and YOLOv8. It automates chart pattern recognition, providing traders with a powerful tool for making informed decisions. Key features include real-time analysis, high accuracy for Buy/Sell signals, and support for various charts.

  • marcusschiesser/intraday

    Download and cache intraday finance market data using yfinance

  • JavierCastilloGuillen/Quantitative_Toolbox

    On this repository you'll find tools used for Quantitative Analysis and some examples such: MonteCarlo Simulations, Linear Regression, General Data Visualiztions, Time-Series Analysis, etc.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook24208
  • GusFurtado/Diversificador

    Diversificador de carteira de investimentos utilizando otimização de Markowitz

  • rishipython/StockTradingAI

    This project is a Stock Trader trained to trade stocks from the S&P 500. It was made using a Deep Q-Learning model and libraries such as TensorFlow, Keras, and OpenAI Gym. It was trained on data from 2006-2016, cross validated on data from 2016-2018, and tested on data from 2018-2021

    Language:Jupyter Notebook213312
  • arunp77/MonteCarlo-simulation

    Application to finance

  • luigibr1/Streamlit-StockSearchWebApp

    Stock search and analysis web app built using the Streamlit and yfinance libraries.

  • Trahyns/Django_Trading

    Paper Trading with Django, Python, HTML, Bootstrap, and yfinance!

  • DataRohit/Stockastic

    Stockastic is an ML-powered stock price prediction app built with Python and Streamlit. It utilizes machine learning models to forecast stock prices and help investors make data-driven decisions.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook121030
  • 0xZee/financial-CrewAI-Agents-streamlit

    Financial CrewAI Agents (LangChain, YF Tools, Ai Crew, Groq Inference)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook11101
  • gregyjames/insidebarscanner

    Scan every stock listed on the Nasdaq to find those with daily inside bars for trading,

  • flaskstockly


    A comprehensive Flask web app for gathering, analyzing & visualizing stock info using AlphaVantage API, yfinance library & SQLite. Data is visualized with Pandas & Plotly. It also uses web scraping to provide trend information and has multiple routes for stock info, graph creation, & updating data.

  • finn


    An all-in-one financial analytics and smart portfolio creator as a Discord bot!

  • IsaacCheng9/trading-portfolio-tracker

    A cross-platform desktop application for monitoring and managing your investments from different brokers, with real-time market data integration from Yahoo Finance. Developed with Qt.

  • samuelterra22/Stock-Market-Data-Analysis

    A simple stock market data analysis using Yahoo Finance and Plotly.

  • lionelsamrat10/SAndP500-Stock-Price-Explorer-Web-App

    Web scraped S&P 500 Data from Wikipedia using Pandas and performed Exploratory Data Analysis on the data. Then used Yahoo Finance to get the related stock data and displayed them in the form of charts.

  • Billie-LS/Portfolio_Optimize_PMPT

    Application for portfolio optimization with post-modern portfolio theory (PMPT)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7202
  • Stockie


    Trading system that aims to buy stocks when they are low and sell stock when they have risen. The time horizon for trades is 2 - 45 days. The strategy has been successfully backtested in version 0.2. Next step: forward test strategy to ensure that it works in practice. Test RL to see if we can can improve results (currently only ~ 5 % of max.)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7303
  • stock-analysis


    This repository is for a personal python library of mine for stock analysis on both an asset and portfolio level. It contains many standard visualization and computational functions for data analysis of stocks. It is built off of the yfinance and plotly libraries.

  • Stock-Investment-Dashboard


    Stock Investment Performance Dashboard

  • leungjch/paper-trader-fullstack

    Full-stack stock simulator made with PERN stack (PostgreSQL, Express, React, Node) + data visualizations with D3.js, with site deployed on Heroku.

  • Thomas-Nexus/Django_Finance_Dashboard

    Cross-asset class price data dashboard. Django site utilising Yahoo-Finance API with Chart.JS

  • Bbennett21/Visualising-and-Forecasting-Stocks-

    A web app that uses machine learning to predict stock prices. Built with Dash and yfinance. Users can enter a company stock code and a date range to see the stock data plotted. The app also allows users to view predicted stock prices based on a machine learning algorithm trained on the historical data.

  • nfaltir/Mini-Bloomberg

    📊 ~A simple python app that uses the Streamlit web framework to generate stock reports.

  • out-of-sample-stock-price-prediction


    This is a small example of using Facebook's open-source algorithm for generating time-series models, with a dataset from yahoo finance.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5200