
Full-stack stock simulator made with PERN stack (PostgreSQL, Express, React, Node) + data visualizations with D3.js, with site deployed on Heroku.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Paper Trader | Stock Portfolio Simulator

Paper Trader is a full-stack stock portfolio simulator with live price updates every 15 minutes. You can request to add any asset available on Yahoo Finance into a virtual portfolio, and track portfolio statistics, with data visualizations created using D3.js. screenshot

Tech stack


  • React.js for client webapp.
  • D3.js for data visualization of portfolio with area charts, bar charts, tree maps, and donut charts.
  • React Bootstrap and React-icons for styling site.


  • PostgreSQL for storage of transaction history and portfolio and performing simple CRUD operations.
  • Node.js and Express.js for handling requests from client to fetch data from PostgreSQL or HTTP requests. To enable communication between the client and the database, I wrote RESTful APIs with Express route methods.
  • yfinance Python module for obtaining stock quotas from Yahoo Finance.
  • pandas Python module for processing stock data and performing basic dataframe operations on bulk stock data.

Diagram of project structure

project_diagram To read some more details over the course of the project, read the dev diary.