React based Wordpress Theme Starter
Save your time. This project is aiming for development Wordpress theme who are not familiar with PHP languages. I set up most popular front-end libraries like a Bootstrap, Lodash, Webpack, React, SASS and More!
I set up vertical rhythm using gridlover's rule using SASS.
- webpack
- react.js
- react router v4
- react router dom
- bootstrap v4 beta2
- Advanced Custom Field
- wordpress rest api
- advanced custom field (Wordpress Plugin)
- Wordpress Official Install Guide
- Wordpress Theme Development Guide
- Wordpress REST API
- Advanced Custom Fields
- Advanced Custom Fields to REST API
- Faker Press
npm run build
npm run production
Install Wordpress locally using MAMP, Wordpress Official Install Guide
clone this repository at wordpress -> wp-content -> themes -> shawnbaek-WPTheme
set theme and activate
npm run watch
- react-router Sub Route
- fix bootstrap navbar collapse problem
No. I'm going to find a better way to improve SEO without SSR. The Wordpress is not supporting both node.js and express.js.
- email me at