
Erlang Formatter for Rebar3

Primary LanguageErlangMIT LicenseMIT


A rebar plugin for code formatting


$ rebar3 compile


Add the plugin to your rebar config:

{plugins, [rebar3_format]}

Then just call your plugin directly in an existing application:

$ rebar3 format

This will format every Erlang file under /src by default. You can specify the directory/file to format as following:

$ rebar3 format --files src/my_subdir/*.erl
$ rebar3 format --files src/other_subdir/my_file.erl
$ rebar3 format --files test/**/*.erl

To save the formatted files in a different directory you have to pass it as a parameter:

$ rebar3 format --output formatted/


The plugin supports the following configuration options in the format section of rebar.config:

  • files ([file:filename_all()]):
    • List of wildcard patterns representing the files that will be formatted by default (i.e. when not using --files on command line).
    • The default value is ["src/**/*.?rl"]
  • encoding(none | epp:source_encoding()):
    • Encoding to use when writing files.
    • The default value is none.
  • paper(pos_integer()):
    • Specifies the preferred maximum number of characters on any line, including indentation.
    • The default value is 100.
  • ribbon(pos_integer()):
    • Specifies the preferred maximum number of characters on any line, not counting indentation.
    • The default value is 80.
  • break_indent(pos_integer()):
    • Specifies the preferred number of characters to use to indent a line that "breaks" from the previous one (for instance, a clause body after a clause head).
    • The default value is 4.
  • sub_indent(pos_integer()):
    • Specifies the preferred number of characters to use to indent a line that "follows" the current one (for instance, a long clause head or a long function application).
    • The default value is 2.
  • remove_tabs (boolean()):
    • Erlang's prettypr inserts a tab character each time it has to insert 8 spaces for indentation and that code is in a 100% unconfigurable/unreplaceable/unhookable function. If this setting is true, the formatter will turn those tabs into 8 spaces again.
    • The default value is true.
    • NOTE: We are aware that true is not the actual OTP default but... really? Who wants their code indented with a mixture of tabs and spaces? 🙈
  • remove_trailing_spaces (boolean()):
    • If this setting is true, the formatter will remove all trailing whitespaces.
    • The default value is true.
  • inline_items (boolean()):
    • Specifies the desired behavior when using multiple lines for a multi-item structure (i.e. tuple, list, map, etc.).
    • When this flag is on, the formatter will try to fit as many items in each line as permitted by paper and ribbon.
    • When the flag is off, the formatter will place each item in its own line.
    • The default value is true.
  • inline_expressions (boolean()):
    • Specifies if sequential expressions in a clause should be placed in the same line if paper and ribbon allows it or if each expression should be placed in its own line.
    • The default value is true.
  • preserve_empty_lines (boolean()):
    • Specifies if blank lines should be preserved when formatting.
    • This option is only used when inline_expressions is false.
    • If this option is true, one empty line will preserved for each group of empty lines that are placed between expressions in a clause.
    • The default value is false.
  • newline_after_attributes (boolean()):
    • Specifies if attributes must be separated from the code below them by an empty line.
    • The default value is true.

Per-File Configuration

You can tweak any of the options above for a particular file, using the format attribute in it, like this:

-format([{paper, 80}]).


To test the plugin just run rebar3 test. It will essentially run rebar3 format inside test_app. Add modules with any "tricky" formatting you want to test_app/src, and push them to github including the after results. The after results can be tought as the expected output behaviour.


To contribute to rebar3_format, please refer to CONTRIBUTING.