
Basic examples of Solidity smart contracts with test coverage

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Truffle challenges

These examples are part of my guide The best way to become Ethereum Developer in 2018

and 30/30 challenge on polish ethereum programming FB group (members write one contract a day to improve Solidity skills).

First 11 Solidity challenges without Truffle are here

Try to write a contract yourself before checking the code in the repo!



  • create function to convert string to bytes32
  • add Solidity test for that function


  • contract must store a list of bus stops
  • each bus stop has id, name and coordinates (i.e czn1, PKS Cieszyn, 10.123222, 33.212345)
  • owner should be able to add new stops
  • contract must have test coverage


  • add Solidity tests
  • add JavaScript tests


  • contract has one owner
  • owner can add and remove managers
  • manager can withdraw all the funds
  • contract has a payable fallback function to receive transfers


  • create a multi signature wallet
  • transfers can only be done when 3 managers sign the transaction


  • create mintable coin (use Open Zeppelin)
  • create simple crowdsale (use Open Zeppelin)
  • set opening and closing time
  • set rate and wallet address


  • create contract which inherites from Ownable (Open Zeppelin)
  • contract must have a list of managers
  • owner can add/update/remove manager
  • owner is a manager too
  • add modifier onlyManager


  • add very simplified The DAO contract (deposit, withdraw)
  • add attacker contract


  • get LPG price using Oraclize API


  • get random number using Oraclize API


  • users can join raffle once
  • owner can't participate
  • winner is picked using RNG from Oraclize


  • add a simple json file to ipfs
  • use oraclize to read that file
  • store the result of one json attribute in a string variable


  • create one contract per election, providing a short name and address for each candidate.
  • creator of the contract gives the right to vote to each address individually
  • each voter can vote once
  • voter can not vote on himself


  • add fallback to accept the payment
  • add withdraw method which allows anyone to get maximum 1 ether
  • log both amounts (paid, transferred) using events




  • add settings for ropsten deployment using infura


  • add basic tic tac toe for 2 players
  • 3x3 board
  • no AI

Other challenges

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