Twitter named entity extraction for WNUT 2016 and the corresponding workshop paper at WNUT COLING 2016, titled Semi-supervised Named Entity Recognition in noisy-text by Shubhanshu Mishra and Jana Diesner
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd data
cd ..
$ cd NoisyNLP
$ python
>>> from run_ner import TwitterNER
>>> from twokenize import tokenizeRawTweetText
>>> ner = TwitterNER()
>>> tweet = "Beautiful day in Chicago! Nice to get away from the Florida heat."
>>> tokens = tokenizeRawTweetText(tweet)
>>> ner.get_entities(tokens)
[(3, 4, 'LOCATION'), (11, 12, 'LOCATION')]
>>> " ".join(tokens[3:4])
>>> " ".join(tokens[11:12])
The dataset used in this repository can bs downloaded from
See Word2Vec.ipynb
for details on the original submitted solution for the task.
See Run Experiments.ipynb
for the details on the improved system.
See Run Experiment.ipynb
for the details on the improved system with test data.
The final system is packaged as an API specified in the folder NoisyNLP. More updates will be made to the API in upcoming days.
See Run Experiment.ipynb
for API usage.
See Updated Gazetteers.ipynb
, Extra Gazetteers.ipynb
, Download Wikidata.ipynb
See Gen new clusters.ipynb
See Data preprocessing.ipynb
See KerasCharRNN.ipynb
, and KerasWordRNN.ipynb
Please cite as:
@INPROCEEDINGS {mishra2016_wnut_ner,
author = "Shubhanshu Mishra and Jana Diesner",
title = "Semi-supervised Named Entity Recognition in noisy-text",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (WNUT)",
publisher = "The COLING 2016 Organizing Committee",
pages = "203-212",
url = "",
year = "2016",
month = "dec"
- George Cooper - Making the model available as a python library.