
Fun with steganography: Turn an arbitrary file into an 8-bit grayscale encrypted PNG image

Primary LanguageC


  • Description: Turn an arbitrary file into an 8-bit grayscale encrypted PNG image
  • Encryption: Threefish 1024-bit key in CTR mode
  • Authentication: HMAC SHA3-512
  • Key derivation: 42 rounds of PBKDF2 SHA3-512
  • Dependencies:
    • C version: libsodium, libgcrypt, and libpng
    • C++ version: crypto++ and libpng
  • The C++ version is faster and therefore recommended


g++ main.cpp lz4.c -O3 -o fisheye -lpng -lcryptopp -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic
gcc main.c tf1024.c tf_fast.c lz4.c -I. -O3 -o fisheye -lm -lsodium -lgcrypt -lpng -Wall -Wpedantic -Wextra


./fisheye -p "password" -h "HMAC key" -i a.file.name -o test.e.png -e


./fisheye -p "password" -h "HMAC key" -i test.e.png -o a.file.name -d