
Stu; another lisp implementation

Primary LanguageCISC LicenseISC

Stu; another lisp implementation Build Status

Stu is a simple & minimal lisp implementation in C. To build, you need the following installed:

  • autoconf, automake & libtool
  • valgrind (optional but highly recommended)
  • libedit-devel

The following commands can be performed to develop stu:

$ autoreconf -i && ./configure CFLAGS="-O0 -g" --disable-shared && make
$ cat <<END |./src/repl/stu -f-
> (def a 100)
> (def b 200)
> (def c (+ a (* 2 b)))
> (eval (list 'quote a b c))
(100 200 500)

Or you can use the repl by specifying no arguments:

$ ./src/repl/stu
stu> (def make-adder (λ (a) (λ (b) (+ a b))))
stu> (def add-two (make-adder 2))
stu> (add-two 2)
stu> ^D


Online manual pages are generated from both docs/*.pod files and various headers in the source. The HTML docs are automatically made available at the stu github page. The equivalent roff manual pages are installed during a sudo make install.


The test suite uses valgrind if installed (which you should).

$ make check