
Her Majesty's Secret Service: tools for managing secrets in Chef

Primary LanguageRuby

HMSS: Her Majesty's Secret Service

A comparison of (and eventual library for) different secret services with Chef, such as:

  • encrypted data bags
  • chef vault
  • conjur/summons
  • hashicorp vault


https://github.com/pburkholder/conjur_demo https://github.com/johnbellone/vault-cookbook

Note: use 'pdbchef' as the chef server

Desired view - Uichwa Dashboard

Port 3000 not open to internet, so:

ssh -D ubuntu@sensu_master.cheffian.com

Then use FoxyProxy to connect to http://sensu_master.cheffian.com:3000

Target code

For a node to subscribe to the Sensu RabbitMQ channels, the file /etc/sensu/config.json should have:

  "rabbitmq": {
    "host": "sensu_master.cheffian.com",
    "port": 5671,
    "vhost": "/sensu",
    "user": "user_from_conjur",
    "password": "password_from_conjur",
  "other_stuff" : ""

Cookbook: Conjur

Fetch secret and set node attribute(*)

require 'conjur/cli' # use node.run_state below?
conjur = Conjur::Authn.connect nil, noask: true
user_var = conjur.variable 'monitor/rabbitmq/user'
password_var = conjur.variable 'monitor/rabbitmq/password'
node.default['sensu']['rabbitmq']['user'] = user_var.value
node.default['sensu']['rabbitmq']['password'] = password_var.value

Conjur config files:

# conjur.conf
account: chef
appliance_url: https://ec2-54-90-25-181.compute-1.amazonaws.com/api
- host-factory
netrc_path: "/etc/conjur.identity"
cert_file: "/etc/conjur-chef.pem"
# conjur.identity
machine   https://ec2-54-90-25-181.compute-1.amazonaws.com/api/authn
login     host/sensu_client-i-5a619df2
password  3efqgj12974pbx3q1vvctvsse95xp3854n6a7mj2v9xbsz2gd1kkk

Conjur identity cookbook pseudocode

remote_file target_path # get dpkg from s3
dpkg_package "conjur"   # install it
Gem.path << "/opt/conjur/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0"
Gem::Specification.reset  # reset gem paths
include_recipe "conjur::conjurrc"  # setup /etc/conjur.conf, pem file
gem_package 'conjur-asset-host-factory' # use conjur's gem binary
ruby_block "generate conjur identity" do # guard & unlink omitted
    require 'json'
    hostfactory_token = ::File.read('/etc/conjur_hostfactory_token').chomp
    conjur_json = %x(
      /usr/local/bin/conjur hostfactory hosts create #{hostfactory_token} #{node.name}
    conjur_response = JSON.parse(conjur_json)
    conjur_identity = <<END_ID
machine   #{node['conjur']['configuration']['appliance_url']}/authn
login     host/#{node.name}
password  #{conjur_response['api_key']}

Cookbook requires /etc/conjur_hostfactory_token

  1. Generate on the admin workstation:
export HOST_FACTORY= \
`conjur hostfactory tokens create --duration-hours=1 sensu/generic |
 jsonfield 0.token`
  1. Insert into userdata with this:
user_data = <<END_SCRIPT
cat <<END_TOKEN>/etc/conjur_hostfactory_token
  1. Use chef-provisioning to destroy/create autoscale group

Cookbook: with chef-vault

include_recipe 'chef_vault'  # cookbook installs the gem
rmq_items = chef_vault_item("sensu_vault", "rabbitmq")
node.default['sensu']['rabbitmq']['user'] = rmq_items['user']
node.default['sensu']['rabbitmq']['password'] = rmq_items['password']

Set up

chef-vault needs no client setup, since it leverages encrypted data bags, but the vault needs to set with the node search that matters

By default vault will run in chef-solo mode, use -m client

knife vault create \
  sensu_vault rabbitmq -m client \
   '{"user": "user_from_chef_vault", "password": "password_from_chef_vault"}'  \
   -S "role:sensu_chefvault" -A "pburkholder-getchef-com"
WARNING: No clients were returned from search, you may not have got what you expected!!

The 'no setup' is a bit of a lie, I forced the sensu_master to have a user, user_from_chef_vault with https://github.com/pburkholder/chef-monitor/blob/pdb/conjur/recipes/conjurized.rb#L42

Look at the bags

knife data bag show sensu_vault rabbitmq
knife data bag show sensu_vault rabbitmq_keys
# no clients
# one value for pburkholder-getchef-com

Look at the vault

knife vault show sensu_vault rabbitmq

id:       rabbitmq
password: password_cv
user:     sensu_chefvault

Recipe and role

  • see chefvault_demo/roles/sensu_chefvault.json
  • knife role from file !$
  • berks vendor; berks upload

Get some nodes in

  • Spin up 26 nodes
  • ip; id: i-2fa41187
  • Bootstrap:
knife bootstrap \
  --bootstrap-vault-json '{"sensu_vault":["rabbitmq"]}' \
  -N cv_client-i-2fa41187 \
  -E conjur \
  --hint ec2 \
  -r 'role[sensu_chefvault]' \
  --sudo \
  -x ubuntu

Works for one node, what about others?

-- Does provisioning support vault? - Nope

+describe Chef::Knife::Bootstrap::ChefVaultHandler do spec/unit/knife/bootstrap/chef_vault_handler_spec.rb https://github.com/chef/chef/pull/2030/files

AWS notes

Autoscale groups -