

If a chef-client is wedged:

  • capture diagnostics from running process
  • drop a ping on the chef-server
  • kill all the chef chef-clients
  • get the run-parameters for chef from Cron (if applicable)
  • rerun with strace and debugging on.
  • bundle it all up.

The purpose of this cookbook is to demonstrate the chef-client process failure modes reported by customer B. To wit:

As described by A. at one point

  1. The issue is more or less with chef-client not cleaning up its children when getting exited out of during the run. Ctrl Z leaves the process and it should be able to be resumed but it doesn't. That is the primary issue we are seeing with the chef-client run. It is also the most easily reproducible.

And as described by me (from sitting with A. last week):

  1. While investigating issue #1, J. and A. have found that chef-client behaves undesirably when multiple chef-clients are running, and the initial chef-client is killed or suspended. If this is the issue blocking chef-client redeployment at B., then we can work with other engineers to clarify and correct (as needed) the client behavior.

Phase Zero

Initially I thought this would be trivially reproducible by:

  • starting from kitchen converge
  • logging in with kitchen login
  • the running the chef-client with a 'sleep' either in the compile phase or the converge phase
  • issue Ctrl-Z, and then resuming (or, presumably, failing to resume)

But that didn't kick up any issues, so then I tried:

  • starting chef-client on port 8889 local-mode as a background process
  • starting chef-client on port 8890 local-mode as a background process
  • killing the initial chef-client
  • watch the unreaped processes accumulate - ONLY, that didn't happen either.

See files/default/ for script that does the above.

Phase One

To better approach the original environment where this seemed to appear,

  • checkout the tag 'phase-one'
  • upload this cookbook to your chef-server
  • kitchen create
  • bootstrap the kitchen node to your chef-server:
knife bootstrap -p 2222 \
   -N killclient --bootstrap-version 12.4.1 \
   -x vagrant --sudo -r 'recipe[killclient]'
  • The default recipe installs the killclient script and some useful tools
  • kitchen login and sudo bash to login and be root
  • Use /root/killclient to try different futzing scenarios. For example:
  • tmux and open a couple of panes
  • Try the aliases to watch stuff:
alias ts="sudo tshark -f 'host and  tcp[tcpflags] & (tcp-syn) != 0 and tcp[tcpflags] & (tcp-ack) != 0'"
alias pschef="ps -C chef -fL"
alias lsofchef="watch -n 1 sudo lsof -i -P -n"
  • Run chef-client with sleep either in the compile or converge phases:
    • chef-client -o 'recipe[killclient::compile_sleep]'
