
A set of tools to transform transcript data from the Trump criminal case (indictment # 71543-2023), published on the New York State Unified Court System website.

Data produced from these tools can be found at the caughtlistening website.


Complete conversion process

The diagram below depicts the entire transformation process from HTML to MP3, with optional PDF and TXT outputs too.

All steps in the process (except for the audio generation and PDF to text) can be executed by the following command: <inputDir>
                       │ HTML  │
                       │  PNG  │
┌───────┐              ┌───────┐              ┌───────┐
│  PDF  │──(pdf2txt)──>│  TXT  │──(png2txt)──>│  PDF  │
└───────┘              └───────┘              └───────┘
                       ┌───────┐               ┌───────┐
                       │ JSON  │──(json2txt)──>│  TXT  │
                       └───────┘               └───────┘
                       │  MP3  │

PDF to text

The original HTML transcripts are slowly being replaced by PDF versions. This tool converts a PDF into the same text format that the OCR process does, so that the rest of the pipeline can use it.

yarn pdf2txt --help


yarn pdf2txt -o ./output input.pdf

Extract image from html

A utility to extract image(s) from html file(s) and creates an image file for each html file provided as an argument.

yarn html2png --help


yarn html2png -o ./output *.html

Convert image to text

A utility to convert the text in image file(s) and creates a text file for each image file provided as an argument.

yarn png2txt --help


yarn png2txt -o ./output *.png

Covert text to PDF

A utility to convert text file(s) into a PDF file.

yarn text2pdf --help


yarn txt2pdf -o ./output/transcript.pdf *.txt

Convert text to JSON

Coming soon!

JSON structure

The JSON is an array of objects, where each object represents the words spoken by a character in the transcript along with some metadata.


    "page": "Page 818",
    "lineNumber": "1",
    "character": "THE COURT:",
    "voice": "Drew",
    "text": "Good morning."

Convert json to text

A utility to convert JSON file(s) into a single formatted plain text file.

yarn json2txt --help


yarn json2txt -o ./output/transcript.txt transcript.json

Covert json to mp3 audio

A utility to convert JSON file(s) into mp3 file(s). An mp3 file is created for each object in the JSON file provided as an argument. See JSON structure for information about the JSON object.

yarn json2mp3 --help


yarn json2mp3 -o ./output transcript.json