
Php Utility Libraries that I Use on my personal Projects

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Personal Utility Libraries

This project contains libraries that I find usefull during my personal project development. Therefore I make a full Collection of them in order everyone to use it.


In this documentation for each class I will provide namespace,class and the file path in order to look better on comments in order to see futher documentation.

Integration with composer

In ordrer to use this library with composer add the following on composer.json

"require":{ ... "pcmagas/libs": "dev-master" }, "extra" : { ... "map": [ [ "*", "CommonLibs\Helpers", "CommonLibs\Interfaces" ] ] }

And run composer update.

If you cannot find on packagist and/or you are in a process of giving a hand then on composer.json add the following:

"repositories": [{ "type": "vcs", "url": "https://github.com/pc-magas/commonlibs.git" }],

Or (especially for development)

"repositories": [{ "type": "vcs", "url": "^path_to_a_folder^" }],

Replacing the ^path_to_a_folder^ with the folder that you cloned the project

##How to use Follow these steps:

  1. If you are not using a framework or you are using a framework that does not support namespaces add on the top of your code:
require_once (^path_to_vendor_autoload^);

Where ^path^ is the correct value that directs to the composer's autoload.php.

  1. Using php's use use a namespace mentioned below.

  2. Use the class's methods or extend the interface to your own class depending the case.

Utility Class Information


The helpers are static function containing static methods. All Helpers are inside the following namespace: CommonLibs\Helpers

String Helper

Helper that contains Utilities for basic and miscellanous string manipulation.

Namespace: CommonLibs\Helpers\StringHelper Class: StringHelper File Path: src\Helpers\StringHelper.php

Html Helper

Helper that contains Utilities for Html string manipulation.

Namespace: CommonLibs\Helpers\StringHelper

Class: StringHelper

File Path: src\Helpers\StringHelper.php


Usefull Interfaced that can be used to extend your classes. The namespace that is used is CommonLibs\Interfaces.


Interface that contains method references that can be used in order to convert the object that Implements it into a string.

Namespace: CommonLibs\Interfaces\ArrayAbleInterface

Interface: ArrayAbleInterface

File Path: src\Helpers\ArrayAbleInterface.php


I have created the following Interface in order to map and group all classes that are related into CRUD Operations to the database with common methods.

Namespace: CommonLibs\Interfaces\CrudManagerInterface

Interface: CrudManagerInterface

File Path: src\Helpers\CrudManagerInterface.php