
A quick hack allowing to use Let's Encrypt certificates for FreeIPA web interface.

Primary LanguageShell

These two scripts try to automatically obtain and install Let's Encrypt certs to FreeIPA web interface.

To use it, do this:

  • BACKUP /var/lib/ipa/certs/ and /var/lib/ipa/private/ to some safe place (it contains private keys!)
  • clone/unpack all scripts somewhere
  • set EMAIL variable in renew-le.sh
  • run setup-le.sh script once to prepare the machine. The script will:
    • install Let's Encrypt client package
    • install Let's Encrypt CA certificates into FreeIPA certificate store
    • requests new certificate for FreeIPA web interface
  • run renew-le.sh script once a day: it will renew the cert as necessary

If you have any problem, feel free to contact FreeIPA team: http://www.freeipa.org/page/Contribute#Communication