Multi Pitch Extraction and Source Separation Based For SATB Choirs

Pritish Chandna, Helena Cuesta, Emilia Gómez

Music Technology Group, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

This repository contains the source code for multi-pitch extration, based on DeepSalience[1] and for source separation for the case of SATB choirs.


To install, clone the repository and use
pip install requirements.txt 
to install the packages required.

The main code is in the file.

Training and inference

Once setup, you can run the followinf commands. To train the model:

python -t

To display evaluation metrics for a particular file: Use

python -e filename
To save evaluation metrics for the entrie dataset and save to a csv file: Use
python -v filename
to evaluate a wavefile and save multi pitch output to a csv file: Use
python -w filename outfile
to evaluate all wavefiles in a folder and save multi pitch output to a csv file: Use
python -w foldername outfolder


We will further update the repository in the coming months.


The TITANX used for this research was donated by the NVIDIA Corporation. This work is partially supported by the Towards Richer Online Music Public-domain Archives (TROMPA) (H2020 770376) European project.

[1] Bittner, Rachel M., et al. "Deep Salience Representations for F0 Estimation in Polyphonic Music." ISMIR. 2017.