
hiopengl is roadmap project for learning OpenGL ES on android.

Primary LanguageJava


HiOpenGL is roadmap project for learning OpenGL ES on android platform.

Android Graphic Rendering
  • View and Renderer
    • GLSurfaceView + OpenGL ES
    • TextureView + OpenGL ES
    • SurfaceView + OpenGL ES
    • View + Canvas
    • SurfaceView + Canvas
    • TextureView + Canvas
    • TextureView VS. SurfaceView
  • OpenGL Texture Reader
    • glReadPixels
    • ImageReader
    • OpenGL PBO
    • HardwareBuffer
  • Camera With OpenGL ES
    • Camera Filter
  • Screen Recorder
    • Draw Twice
    • glBlitFramebuffer
    • FBO blit x2
  • Quickstart for Android ARCore
Getting Started with OpenGL ES
  • Coordinate Transformations
    • Modeling and Viewing
    • Projection
    • Viewport
  • Primitives
  • Vertex Data
    • Vertex Array for OpenGL ES 1.0
    • Vertex Array for OpenGL ES 2.0
    • Vertex Buffer for OpenGL ES 3.0
  • Texture
    • 2D Texture
    • 3D Texture
    • Mipmap Texture
    • Cubemaps Texture
    • Video Texture
  • RBO(Render Buffer Object)
Advanced Technology with OpenGL ES
  • Face culling
  • Mesh
  • Frame Buffer
  • Blending
  • Stencil test
  • Depth test
  • Scissor test
  • Lighting
    • Directional Light
    • Point Light
    • Spot Light
    • Multiple Light
  • Materials
  • Shared Context and Texture
  • Assimp
OpenGL ES in Practice
  • Polyhedron
  • Particle
  • Text Rendering
  • Skybox
  • Collision Detection
  • Touch & Drag