
Portfolio Site

Primary LanguageCSS

Jekyll Static Site Generator

Format and organization

  • Each project file has its own file in the root directory and ends with .md. For example, the billing-app.md page is in the root.
  • The pages start with front matter followed by HTML code and can contain variables which on compile will be replace with data.
    • Reusable components can be found in _includes/*.html and included like this: {% include footer.html %}


  1. Check out this repo
  2. gem install jekyll bundler
  3. jekyll new <projectName>
  4. Start working!
  5. Compile your project bundle exec jekyll serve.

Variable substitution

Use handlebars-style tags to dynamically include substitution variables. For example:

    <a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/">
        Text Link

If you want to loop through a list you need to create a <fileName>.YML in the _data folder.

<!-- Data File _data/project.yml -->
- class: css class
  imgSrc: <imagePath>
  imgAlt: Image Alt Tag
  url: <link>
  Title: Project Title
  Description: 'Project Description'

<!-- Markdown -->
{% for project in site.data.project %}
<div class="work-item {{ project.class }}">
    <div class="work-detail">
        <a href="{{ project.url | relative_url }}">
            <img alt="{{ project.imgAlt }}" src="{{ project.imgSrc | relative_url }}">
            <div class="work-info">
                <div class="centrize">
                    <div class="v-center">
                        <h3>{{ project.title }}</h3>
                        <p>{{ project.description }}</p>
{% endfor %}