Welcome to the technical test for Deliberry

Install the project

  1. Clone the project and go into the root code:

    ~$ git clone https://github.com/pcabreus/technical_test-Deliberry
    ~$ cd technical_test-Deliberry
  2. Run the container and go into the container:

    ~$ docker-compose up -d
    ~$ docker exec -it deliberry_php bash
  3. Install dependencies and configurations:

    :/usr/src/app# symfony composer install
    :/usr/src/app# symfony console doc:migration:migrate

Working with the api

API: you can use the swagger docs on https://deliberry.localhost/api/docs

Init the project with dummy data running:

:/usr/src/app# symfony console app:init


You have to copy+paste the phpunit.xml.dist without the .dist extension

You can run ./vendor/bin/simple-phpunit inside of the container in order to run the test