
Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

🏃 🚶 💃 Pose-With-Action


Untitled design (4)

Untitled design (5)

  • This repository represents " Action Recognition Using Alphapose ".
  • With the help of this project we can detect the human Actions/Activities based on the Human Pose.

📝 Description

⏳ Dataset

🏽‍ Download Object Detection Model

🏽‍ For Pose Tracking, Download the object tracking model

🏽‍ Download Fast.res50.pt file

🖥️ Installation

🛠️ Requirements

⚙️ Setup

  1. Install PyTorch :-
$ pip3 install torch==1.1.0 torchvision==0.3.0
  1. Install :-
$ export PATH=/usr/local/cuda/bin/:$PATH
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda/lib64/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
$ pip install cython
$ sudo apt-get install libyaml-dev
$ python setup.py build develop --user
$ python -m pip install Pillow==6.2.1
$ pip install -U PyYAML

🎯 Inference demo

  1. Testing with Images ( Put test images in AlphaPose/examples/demo/ ) :-
$ python scripts/demo_inference.py --cfg configs/coco/resnet/256x192_res50_lr1e-3_1x.yaml --checkpoint pretrained_models/fast_res50_256x192.pth --indir examples/demo/ --save_img
  1. Testing with Video ( Put test video in AlphaPose/examples/demo/ ) :-
$ python scripts/demo_inference.py --cfg configs/coco/resnet/256x192_res50_lr1e-3_1x.yaml --checkpoint pretrained_models/fast_res50_256x192.pth --video examples/demo/3.mp4 --outdir examples/res1 --save_video --gpus 0

📖 Please Go through Pose_With_Action_HLD2.docx for more info.


  • Akshay Kumar Prasad
  • Akshay Namdev Kadam
  • Arjun K
  • Deepak Kumar Behera
  • Jerryl Davis
  • Kancharla Bharath Kumar
  • Karthik P
  • Madhavi Patel
  • Mukesh
  • Oinam Bhobendra
  • pamita singh kandari
  • Sameer sudhir Deshmukh
  • Sasidharan M
  • shrinivas kandlikar