
Primary LanguageVim Script


  • Install Git, cURL, Neovim
  • Set up Smart Caps Lock (Linux) or Karabiner Elements (macOS)
  • Install https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm and latest LTS Node.js version
  • Install ripgrep
  • Run git clone git@github.com:pcaisse/dotfiles.git
  • Run cd dotfiles && make
  • Install vim-plug
  • Run :PlugInstall
  • Install bash-git-prompt
  • Install bash-completion
  • Add to .bashrc:
    if [ -f ~/.bashrc.local ]; then
        . ~/.bashrc.local
  • Install tmux
  • Clone tmux Plugin Manager: git clone https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tpm ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
  • Source tmux (via tmux source ~/.tmux.conf or :source-file ~/.tmux.conf from within tmux)
  • Install tmux plugins from within tmux via prefix + I
  • Install Coc plugins:
    :CocInstall coc-json coc-tsserver coc-eslint coc-prettier coc-metals coc-pyright coc-format-json coc-css coc-sql
  • Install terraform-ls