
because awesome music deserves the cloud

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple file uploading app running on Heroku.


You need:

  • Clojure
  • Leinigen
  • Midje's Leinigen plugin

To run:

$ export PORT=8080 && lein run

And go to http://localhost:8080/

To run the tests:

$ lein midje


This is very simple implementation of a file uploader in Clojure.

I decided to keep dependencies to a minimum, so the only external library used by the main Clojure app is Ring. I use Midje for testing --it's my favourite testing framework for Clojure at the moment. The JavaScript piece uses JQuery (I am not doing JS without JQuery!) and I am testing it with Jasmine.

I started using a simpler and synchronous read/write pipeline; but in a8b8156 decided that it would be better to delegate writing to an agent so that the HTTP connection with the browser could be released faster.

Heroku released support to Clojure a couple of weeks ago, as I really like what they do for Ruby I decided to use this little project to test their platform.


  • To support multiple uploads and not have any kind of session on the server, I have the browser sending an "upload-id". I don't really like this solution but some basic research tells me that this is what jquery plugins and the like use --at least until we can use the File Events API in the browser.
  • This upload id, required to handle multiple uploads, is passed in the query string because Ring doesn't let me access the :params object from inside a loader function. I am submitting a patch to them to make this possible -really dislike the idea of using the query string for this.
  • In a production-ready application, the map which tracks progress for uploads would be cleaned at some stage, and stale uploads must be removed. I am currently only cleaning the map if an exception happened.
  • We currently only save the application to the local file system, but the idea is to use the local hard drive just as a swap area and send the binaries to S3.
  • I played around buffer sizes for a bit but changing values didn't improve performance on my machine. I think 512 bytes provides good feedback for the user considering most files would be MP3, which I believe are often around 3MB.
  • One strategy which could help improve writing time is to avoid opening the file and appending to it so many times. I decided that for this exercise this wouldn't be an issue, thoudh.
  • For scalability, the in-memory map can probably be replaced by memcached or some other simple key-value storage system.
  • The only security check at the moment is to make sure the file name doesn't have any funny chars, which could be used to temper with the filesystem. I assumed this was enough for this exercise, in a production-ready setup I would probably think about checking the file structure to make sure it complies with the MP3 format before doing anything with it.
  • Inline HTML kinda sucks but for an application with two pages and minimal dependencies I don't think it would be a big deal.
  • The application deployed to Heroku seems at least 40% slower than running on my machine.
  • Leiningen 1.6.1 has a bug when trying to run agents using the REPL. This code worked fine for me using the master branch (2.x.x-SNAPSHOT). If that's too hard to setup the code still works using lein run or lein midje.


Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.