
Shell and python utilities for gathering Freesurfer stats into csv format

Primary LanguagePython


Shell and python utilities for gathering Freesurfer stats into csv format


The shell scripts should be run first, followed by the python scripts.


First, we cut the aseg.stats file to the last 46 lines that are formatted like a tsv

for i in `ls project/bids/derivatives/sourcedata/freesurfer/sub*/stats/aseg.stats`; do echo ${i} && tail -n 46 ${i} > ${i}.csv; done

Then we make a copy of these files with their BIDS participant label in the filename

for i in `ls project/bids/derivatives/sourcedata/freesurfer/sub*/stats/aseg.stats.csv`; do echo ${i} && ii=`echo ${i} | rev | cut -d/ -f3 | rev` && cp ${i} ./${ii}_aseg.stats.csv

Now we can adjust the path for the csvs in the python script and create the combined csv at the group level

python3 collate_aseg.py

If all has gone well, we can delete the participant-level csvs

rm ./sub-*_aseg.stats.csv


First, we cut the wmparc.stats file to the last 71 lines that are formatted like a tsv

for i in `ls project/bids/derivatives/sourcedata/freesurfer/sub*/stats/wmparc.stats`; do echo ${i} && tail -n 71 ${i} > ${i}.csv; done

Then we make a copy of these files with their BIDS participant label in the filename

for i in `ls project/bids/derivatives/sourcedata/freesurfer/sub*/stats/wmparc.stats.csv`; do echo ${i} && ii=`echo ${i} | rev | cut -d/ -f3 | rev` && cp ${i} ./${ii}_wmparc.stats.csv

Now we can adjust the path for the csvs in the python script and create the combined csv at the group level

python3 collate_wmparc.py

If all has gone well, we can delete the participant-level csvs

rm ./sub-*_aseg.stats.csv


for i in `ls project/bids/derivatives/fmriprep/sourcedata/freesurfer/sub*/stats/brainvol.stats`; do echo ${i} && ii=`echo ${i} | rev | cut -d/ -f3 | rev` && ./brainvol_extract.sh ${i} ${i}.csv && mv ${i}.csv ./${ii}_brainvol.stats.csv; done

Set the path for the csvs in the python script and create the combined csv at the group level

python3 collate_brainvol.py