
All CMSSW data products used in RECO and AOD ROOT files

Primary LanguageC++


FWData is all CMSSW data product dictionary and suppoting sources. The libraries built can be used in reading RECO and AOD ROOT files for the CMS Experiment

Building and running with spack

  • Clone spack and cmssw-spack and run build
git clone https://github.com/spack/spack.git
source spack/share/setup-env.sh
spack compiler add
cd spack/var/spack/repos
git clone -b fwdata https://github.com/gartung/cmssw-spack.git
spack repo add $PWD/cmssw-spack
mkdir -p ~/.spack/cray
cp cmssw-spack/cori/packages.yaml ~/.spack/cray
cd -
spack install fwdata
  • Setup runtime environment with spack
source spack/share/setup-env.sh
spack load -r fwdata
root.exe step3.root