R package provides accessible functions for running the
algorithms described in...
If you find a bug, or you have a question or feedback on our work, please post an issue.
If you find the MAPITR
package or any of the source code in this
repository useful for your work, please cite:
Turchin MC, Darnell G, Crawford L, and Ramachandran S (2020) "...
Copyright (c) 2020, Michael Turchin, Sohini Ramachandran, and Lorin Crawford.
All source code and software in this repository are made available under the terms of the MIT license. See file LICENSE for the full text of the license.
To install MAPITR
from CRAN:
To install the most recent dev version of MAPITR
from github:
devtools::install_github("mturchin20/MAPITR@v1.0.3", build_vignettes=TRUE)
Once you have installed the package, load the package in R:
Next, view and run the example code provided in the introductory vignette using simulated data.
R package was developed by Michael Turchin at
the [Brown University][brownu], with contributions from
Greg Darnell and Lorin Crawford.