
Simple plugin in Javascript to animate scrolling when you return to the top of the page

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple plugin in Javascript Vanilla to animate scrolling when you return to the top of the page


Project Site


npm install simplescrollup


yarn add simplescrollup

Quick start

  1. Download simplescrollup.js .

  2. Link in your HTML simplescrollup.js .

	<script src="simplescrollup.js"></script>


		<!-- Your HTML content -->
		<script src="simplescrollup.js"></script>

  1. Add your button with this structure.
<a href="#up" class="simplescrollup__button simplescrollup__button--hide">Your text</a>


		<!-- Your HTML content -->
		<a href="#up" class="simplescrollup__button simplescrollup__button--hide">Your text</a>
		<script src="simplescrollup.js"></script>

  1. Add CSS.
.simplescrollup__button {
	position: fixed;
	bottom: 3rem;
	right: 3rem;
	transition: 1s all;
	z-index: 10000;
.simplescrollup__button--show {
	transform: translateX(0);
.simplescrollup__button--hide {
	transform: translateX(100px);


			.simplescrollup__button {
				position: fixed;
				bottom: 3rem;
				right: 3rem;
				transition: 1s all;
				z-index: 10000;
			.simplescrollup__button--show {
				transform: translateX(0);
			.simplescrollup__button--hide {
				transform: translateX(100px);
		<!-- Your HTML content -->
		<a href="#up" class="simplescrollup__button simplescrollup__button--hide">Your text</a>
		<script src="simplescrollup.js"></script>

  1. Enjoy!!


You can control the duration and type of animation.

<a href="#up" duraction="1000" height-hide="100" easing="easeInOutQuad" class="simplescrollup__button simplescrollup__button--hide">Your text</a>
  • duration: Time in milliseconds that it will take to go up above the page.
  • height-hide: Distance in pixels from top at which button will be displayed.
  • easing: You can change the animation scroll for any of this list.
    • linear
    • easeInQuad
    • easeOutQuad
    • easeInOutQuad
    • easeInCubic
    • easeOutCubic
    • easeInOutCubic
    • easeInQuart
    • easeOutQuart
    • easeInOutQuart
    • easeInQuint
    • easeOutQuint
    • easeInOutQuint