
Welcome to the No Pressure Community's repository for the website. This is a public project, enabling the community to join and help us make the community better and better.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

No Pressure

Welcome to the No Pressure website repository. This is a React & TypeScript project built on NEXT.js, with SCSS and Tailwind CSS available for use.


If you want to join the team reach out in Issues or Discussions, or reach out in the Discord community, or you can Fork and then perform Pull Requests.


This project uses NEXT.js, so to run one needs to meet the minimum requirements set forth there.

With that in mind, the currently known minimum requirements are:

  • Node version 14.6.0

We recommend using the latest LTS versions.

Getting started

Clone this repo using HTTPS, and navigate to the cloned folder.

Inside the cloned folder, you must create a .env file which will contain the environment variables to use for this project. You can find an .env.example to show you which variables you will need. Then, simply ask a developer over in our #webdev-nerds channel to send you the correct values.

Once this is set up, you can run the following commands:

  1. npm ci to install the node modules.
  2. npm run dev to run a local server.


We expose an API to allow the development of extra services that can interact with our data. You can find the documentation here.


Authorization is performed by checking the API key, which is currently shared between the provider and all consumers. Just as with other environment variables, you can ask for the production API key in the #webdev-nerds channel.

For protected routes, a client's requests must provide an Authorization header according to the basic authentication convention. For example,

const Authorization = `Basic ${Buffer.from(CLIENT_NAME + ":" + API_KEY).toString("base64")}`