
Hubot script to give quotes from Jaden Smith

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL


Enables hubot to give wisdom from Jaden Smith

See src/jaden.coffee for full documentation.

Build and Static Analysis

Build Status Codacy Badge


In hubot project repo, run:

npm install hubot-jaden --save

Then add hubot-jaden to your external-scripts.json:



The following configuration is required in order to run the jaden script:

HUBOT_TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY         # The Twitter API consumer key
HUBOT_TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET      # The Twitter API consumer secret
HUBOT_TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN         # The Twitter API access token
HUBOT_TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET  # The Twitter API access token secret

All of these should be configured using the API keys given to you when you signed up for a Twitter Developer API account.

Sample Interaction

The hubot-jaden script will allow your hubot to give you wisdom in quotes from Jaden Smith. By using hubot jaden me, hubot will give you a random quote.

<You> hubot jaden me
<hubot> I Should Just Stop Tweeting, The Human Consciousness Must Raise Before I Speak My Juvenile Philosophy.

By using hubot jaden latest, hubot will show you Jaden's latest tweet.

<You> hubot jaden latest
<hubot> HardWork Dedication Until There's Peace And Non Poverty In Every Nation, And I Isn't Patient. ||

Powered by


Jaden Smith

