- 0
- 0
Should ignore lines that do not contain the regex
#29 opened by Nokel81 - 0
Not all lines selected are treated the same
#28 opened by Nokel81 - 0
Some graphical artifact
#27 opened by laughedelic - 2
- 1
- 1
Add ex command support
#25 opened by calebmeyer - 0
Syntax highlight regular expression
#24 opened by pcasaretto - 2
- 19
- 1
- 0
Preserve separator between uses
#19 opened by pcasaretto - 1
Atom.Object.defineProperty.get is deprecated.
#18 opened by pcasaretto - 2
- 0
Add a preview for the current regex
#16 opened by pcasaretto - 2
Add documentation on usage of regular expression
#14 opened by benzen - 0
Act on all lines if there is no selection
#13 opened by pcasaretto - 2
When doing tabularize space is inserted
#12 opened by benzen - 17
First line isn't treated as other lines
#8 opened by benzen - 0
Implement right alignment
#11 opened by pcasaretto - 0
Implement center alignment
#10 opened by pcasaretto - 2
- 1
Add a clever key binding
#9 opened by benzen - 4
Allow tab char to be a string
#6 opened by benzen - 0
Improve specs
#7 opened by pcasaretto - 4
Seems to be not working
#4 opened by benzen - 3
Misaligned assignment
#1 opened by chrismwendt