Gemini API competition

Homepage: Rules:

  1. Build an app with the Gemini API
  2. Create a demo video
  3. Publish and submit to the competition

Gemini API docs

Idea: "CCTV" logger

This is a {mobile,web} app that connects to a camera in your home (on your dorbell, on a window) and provides you with a summary of main events:

  • people, cars, animals passing by
  • time of day, sunlight
  • repeated events (e.g. "This man has passed by your door 3 times in the last hour")
  • other?

Technical scoping


  • Cheap amazon camera like baby monitor or home CCTV
    • Important thing is to have a simple API to access the frames
  • Backend uses Gemini API
    • Send (prompt, image) every n frames (or video footage?), get JSON back
    • Response should be of the form:
        "description": "Later afternoon, man walking dog, two white vans parked in front, bycicle on pavement."
        "entities": {
          "people": 1,
          "animals": 1,
          "vehicle": 3,
        "sunlight": "afternoon",
  • Results are parsed and stored in (sqlite?) database
  • Business logic decide whether to send notification to the frontend
  • Frontend renders history of notifications, sends push notification according to business logic
    • (optional) frontend renders last frame

Further thoughts:

  • Maybe always send a reference image (e.g. last frame) so that the LLM has a reference to compare the current image with ("what changed" is more relevant than "what you can see")
  • Possibility of using another model in conjunction to extract more features

First steps

Install the relevant packages under a python virtual environment:

cd /path/to/gemini-api-competition
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

As a quick test that we can use the api, generate your Google Cloud API token, save it under .api_token (or wherever you want, this is just a convenient place safe under .gitignore), and run

$ GOOGLE_API_KEY=$(cat .api_token) python

To test the basic functionality of the model, use the script e.g.

$ python --model 1.5_flash --images /path/to/image.jpg /path/to/another_image.jpg --api_token $(cat .api_token)

If one has a MongoDB instance running (perhaps through sudo systemctl start mongodb), the flag --db stores the results from the model to that database after computing all the model responses (Not intended for production as it's not online, just for testing).

Running the application

We use the Twisted Application Framework as our engine. To run the application, you will have to specify the full path to your virtual environment:

$ GOOGLE_API_KEY=$(cat .api_token) /path/to/.venv/bin/twistd --python --nodaemon


cd client/
npm run dev

to run the frontend.


  • Rewrite using a modern asynchronous framework like aiohttp