Remix - Bring Your Own Compiler (BYOC)

Goal: Let users customize build (e.g via plugins) to support the features they care about that are outside the scope for Remix.

App is copied from kentcdodds/fakebooks-remix.

Build and run

npm run byoc2
npm run start

Technical approach

Note: code in ./.remix/lib/ would eventually be imported from a Remix package like @remix-run/dev or similar.

Define compiler-agnostic function signatures for compiling the browser bundle and the server bundle:

import type { AssetsManifest } from "@remix-run/dev/compiler/assets";
import type { RemixConfig } from "@remix-run/dev/config";

 * Compile the browser bundle.
 * Write compiled output to `./public/build/`
export type CompileBrowser = (
  remixConfig: RemixConfig
) => Promise<AssetsManifest>;

 * Compile the server bundle.
 * Write compiled output to `./build/index.js`
export type CompileServer = (
  remixConfig: RemixConfig,
  manifestPromise: Promise<AssetsManifest>
) => Promise<void>;

Then provide a build function that accepts implementations for compiling browser and server:

type Build = (
  remixConfig: RemixConfig,
  compile: { browser: CompileBrowser; server: CompileServer }
) => [ReturnType<CompileBrowser>, ReturnType<CompileServer>];

Conventions (TBD)

- .remix/
  - compiler.mjs
  - config.browser.js
  - config.server.mjs


  • Fix live reload
  • dev/watch mode
  • Refactor webpack configs into a Remix webpack plugin