
Basic REST client using pecl http module

Primary LanguagePHP

Basic REST client using pecl http module

Simple implementation that supports PUT, GET, POST, DELETE and uses pecl http module functions instead of cURL. Inspired by ruby rest client https://github.com/archiloque/rest-client

Supports GET, POST, PUT, DELETE HTTP methods. Basic HTTP authentication is done via pecl http module settings, see examples below. Constructor accepts all http_options from http://us.php.net/manual/en/http.request.options.php . Easy to extend.

Detailed response information and response object are respectively in $client->response_info and $client->response_object. Raw response data is available in $client->response_raw


require 'rest_client.php';
$c = new RestClient();

GET request

$res = $c->get('http://www.yahoo.com');

Posting raw POST data

$res = $c->post(
  'http://api.example.com/create', json_encode(array('name' => 'foobar'))

Sending a form using POST

$res = $c->post(
  'http://www.example.com/form', array('name' => 'foobar'))

Sending custom HTTP headers

$res = $c->post(
  'http://www.example.com/form', json_encode(array('name' => 'foobar')),
    'headers' => array(
      'X-My-App' => 'foobar/1.0',
      'Content-type' => 'application/json'

Basic HTTP authentication

$res = $c->post(
  'http://www.example.com/form', json_encode(array('name' => 'foobar')),
    'httpauth' => 'username:password'

PUT request

$res = $c->put(
  'http://api.example.com/create', 'PUT request data'

DELETE request

$res = $c->delete(
  'http://api.example.com/remove', 'PUT request data'

RAW response data

$res = $c->get(

echo $c->response_raw;



Released under the MIT license.
