
Primary LanguageYacc


So, as far as this goes, it is not much.  Not even executable.  No where near what I'd 
be writing if I was a fulltime software engineer.

With that out of the way, I would think the "ops" way to do this is to use existing tools
that get the job done.  So instead of diving into coding right away, I did some reading 
on Ruby-ish lex and yacc.  The gems for these tools come with an example that works,
which I have included here.  I installed ruby 2.2.4, rvm, and a couple gems to use it.

It can be executed using 'ruby calc', fwiw.

The rest of the bits I was writing were geared towards the idea that a user of the
library should have to do as little as possible to add a new operator.  In particular,
I thought that maybe creating precedence rules that could be gathered dynamically would
be useful, makes knowing internals of other operators less of a requirement.  Not sure that
trying to represent precedence in a "detached" fashion for a grammar is really a good way
to go, but it is an interesting thought.