Fireboard Exporter

Export current Fireboard data in a way that Prometheus can scrape it.

Data is collected from the Fireboard cloud API rather than from the Fireboard directly because the data isn't exposed locally.

The Fireboard API rate limits requests to 200/hour. A scrape interval shorter than 18 seconds will cause you to exceed the rate limit.

The Fireboard API doesn't have a documented way to tell when data might be stale. At least one temperature probe needs to be connected or the fireboard_up metric will report as 0 and no other metrics will be returned (because the data might be stale).


To install using go, run go install

To run with Docker, skip down to below.


Before running, you'll need an API token. The easiest way to retrieve it is with cURL

curl \            
    -X POST  \  
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"username":"","password":"password"}'

The response will look like {"key":"292f783349256413248b7a132d34ba60d9c0faca"}

To run the exporter, use fireboard-exporter -key 292f783349256413248b7a132d34ba60d9c0faca (with your key).

By default the exporter listens on port 8080.


To run a demo using docker-compose, get an API token, then edit docker-compose.yml to add your token. Next, run docker-compose up.

After things start, you can view probe temperatures in the Prometheus UI.

Using Docker

To run in Docker use

docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 -key 292f783349256413248b7a132d34ba60d9c0faca