
ESGF P2P Node Installer

Primary LanguageShellOtherNOASSERTION

Hello Gentle-people, 

The following describes how to get started with installing the ESGF
Node.  The installation scripts may be in flux, as we continuously
improve the process. Please provide us with your input regarding your
installation experience.

The bootstrap script can be fetched from our website at:

Follow the instructions below describing how to run the bootstrap script.
The update and install scripts is written in bash and is intended to
be run on CentOS/RedHat Linux distributions as *root* or a root
effective user via "sudo -s" (IMPORTANT: Do not run scripts directly
with sudo.  Straight sudo filters out needed environment variables!).  

I suggest taking all the defaults presented and reading and following
the script's suggestions.

To help manage your expectations of the installation process, the
following should give you a ball park idea:

The entire process takes approximately, a bit under, an hour.  There
are about a 20 prompts for user input - almost all of which have
reasonable defaults (you can just hit enter - recommended).  The lion's
share of the time is spent building the various tools and executables
(heads up: globus and python take a relatively long time to build :-\).
We have worked hard to make the installation of the ESGF Node rather

Thank you for your participation!

- Before you do any installation REGISTER (get an account) at the
index node you intend to connect to:
        Ex: (ESG-PCMDI-9) http://pcmdi9.llnl.gov/esgf-web-fe/createAccount

- Be sure the machine you are installing on is a CentOS/Redhat linux
family distribution.

- Be sure the machine has a fully qualified hostname and responds to
hostname -s, hostname --domain and hostname --fqdn.

- Install all the prerequisites!!!!

- The machine should have all development headers installed.

- The installation user must have root (or sudo) privileges.

- Make sure there is NO WEB CACHING for this node either
  locally or from your institution!!!

- If you intend to publish from your node ("data" configuration type)
  * Be sure that your node or institution is NOT performing web caching for this node!!!
  * Be sure that your node is visible from the outside, i.e. can accept in bound external connections!!!

0) We HIGHLY recommend creating a separate installation user account
   (Ex: esg-user) and give that user the ability to use sudo
   (i.e. create an appropriate entry in /etc/sudoers). If not there
   maybe undesirable results.  In general it is a good idea to use the
   operating system mechanisms to help sequester an installation such
   as this.

1) LOGIN as the installation user

2) From the installation user become root or root equiv....
   % sudo -s  
   (use -s : do not run the script directly from sudo because sudo filters env vars)

3) Download the "bootstrap" script to /usr/local/bin on the target machine
   % cd /usr/local/bin
   % wget -O esg-bootstrap

   (We don't want to run just any ol' script as root!!! :-)

   % diff <(md5sum esg-bootstrap | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 1) <(curl -s | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 1)
   (there should be NO difference! i.e. the command returns you back to your prompt)

   Besides the manual check the script is "self verifying".
   If the script has been tampered with in any way, it will indicate
   this and NOT RUN. At which point you must fetch the file from the
   distribution site again. - step 3

5) % chmod 555 esg-bootstrap

   You only need to run esg-bootstrap initially to get the primary
   install script.  You may also run it in the future to subsequently
   to get the latest revisions of install script.

6) Fetch the latest node installation script 
   (MD5 verification is done within the scripts from now on, so make
   sure it always says "[VERIFIED]" after a file is fetched)
   % esg-bootstrap
   This downloads the main installation script "esg-node".

7) Run the installation script "esg-node" (read prompts and instructions carefully...)
   Note on prompts...
        [y/N] means "N" is the default, you may just hit return
        Default values appear in "[]" brackets, hitting return uses them.

   There is NO default type, so it *must* be specified (if in doubt use "data")

   % esg-node --type data --install --verify

   With the --verify flag verification tests are run throughout the
   installation procedure.  Also, the last verification step of the
   installation will perform a test publish to the chosen index node
   (default: ESGF-PCMDI-9)

   After the initial installation you may subsequently perform test
   publications independently by using the --test-pub flag.

   % esg-node --test-pub

   #--------- Trouble Shooting TIP ------------
   If the installation does not properly go through and for some
   reason ends prematurely please run the script again.  There may be
   situations where enough of a component was installed such that it
   is detected and skipped.  Do not proceed to the next installation
   phase.  Instead stop the script (ctrl-c) and then use the "--force"
   flag to make the installation require your input to continue for
   each component.  For those that have successfully been installed you
   may skip them until you get to the 'problem' component's section
   and which point you may attempt another reinstall of it [Y].
   % esg-node --force --install

8) Join the appropriate mailing list....
   End Users : esgf-user@lists.llnl.gov
   Developers: esgf-devel@lists.llnl.gov
   Send an email to majordomo@lists.llnl.gov with the BODY:
   subscribe <list-name>

   subscribe esgf-user
   subscribe esgf-devel

9) Subscribe to the ESGF Blog
   Keep in the loop with the ESGF.org effort!

   RSS: http://esgf.org/blog/?feed=rss2
   and check the web site

Thank you.

Errant key strokes are picked up, so please be careful.

As mentioned the script is in bash, so if you are so inclined, feel
free to read it. However, do NOT modify the script, that would void
the support contract ;-).

If you have any questions... 
1) Read the FAQ - http://esgf.org/wiki/ESGFNode/FAQ
2) Post to the mailing list
3) Contact me - Gavin (gavin@llnl.gov), or Bob or Dean. 
   My number is +1-925-422-7436.


-ESGF Node Team