
AsyncStorageRepl provides you to access remote ReactNative application's AsyncStorage from your node REPL.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


AsyncStorageRepl provides you to access remote ReactNative application's AsyncStorage from your node REPL.


npm i async-storage-repl -D


  1. Write bellow code in your ReactNative Application.
import AsyncStorageREPL from 'async-storage-repl';
  1. Start node REPL.
  1. Let's get access your ReactNative application's storage from your node REPL.
$ ./node_modules/.bin/async-storage-repl
> RNAsyncStorage.getItem('item1')
> RNAsyncStorage.setItem('item1', 'nice value!')
> RNAsyncStorage.getItem('item1')
'nice value!'
> RNAsyncStorage.getAllKeys()
[ 'reduxPersist:timeline',
  'reduxPersist:nav' ]




AsyncStorageREPL provides RNAsyncStorage on your node REPL as a global object. You can access AsyncStorage's all APIs via this object.

  • getAllKeys(): string[]
  • getItem(key: string)
  • setItem(key: string, value: string)
  • removeItem(key: string)
  • mergeItem(key: string, value: string)
  • clear()
  • flushGetRequests()
  • multiGet(keys: string[])
  • multiSet(keyValuePairs: string[][])
  • multiRemove(keys: string[])
  • multiMerge(keyValuePairs: string[][])

AsyncStorageREPL's methods args are guaranteed type-safe by flow-runtime.

> RNAsyncStorage.getItem(1)
RuntimeTypeError: key must be a string

Expected: string

Actual: number

Advanced Usage

ReactNative side

AsyncStorageREPL() accepts an object with a host and port key. Port key must be matched REPL side. You don't need specify a host in case of running on a simulator. but in case of runnning on a real device, specify your computer host.

AsyncStorageREPL({ host: 'localhost', port: 8080 }) // default

REPL side

You can specify portNo --port option.

async-storage-repl --port 8080