A set of helper classes for easing the initialization of the self host web applications in .NET. This project contains classes for registering a new self signed certificate and the port registration to run under https.
- AndyPook
- bepplerCuritiba, Paraná, Brasil
- ccellarGermany
- Dafnafrank
- dmarlow
- gosoxharp
- JAugustoGuimaraesInetum
- jesusgarza
- jiravanetPraha
- JustinThirkellWellington, NZ
- mcintyre321London
- mivano@xebia
- mthierbapbi-tools Limited
- MuiBienCarlota
- perikete
- ray2k
- scottallen333Advanced Services
- send2vinnie
- teromatos
- UrienZhangChina