
A Clojure library for keeping identifiers secret.

Primary LanguageClojureThe UnlicenseUnlicense

ckent https://api.travis-ci.org/pclewis/ckent.svg

ckent is a Clojure library for reversibly transforming sequential internal identifiers into valid V4 (random) UUIDs that are indistinguishable from actual random UUIDs. Custom formats are also supported.

It is designed to mitigate Insecure Direct Object References, a class of vulnerability caused by exposing internal identifiers.



(require '[ckent.core :as c])
(def k (c/random-key))
(c/uuid k "Testing!")
;; => #uuid "444d0eb5-f370-4daa-bde8-abf5ea70d13a"
(c/uuid k "Tasting!")
;; => #uuid "648a3442-e59d-477d-b61d-6977691daeaf"
(c/uuid k 0xBEEEEEEEEEE5)
;; => #uuid "c2b4bd39-3bc8-4e28-a86e-4c0800502c5c"


(c/decode-str (c/decrypt-uuid k *3))
;; => "Testing!"
(format "%x" (c/decrypt-uuid k *2)) 
;; => "beeeeeeeeee5"

HMAC ensures value was not tampered with and has been decrypted properly:

(c/uuid (random-key) "Test")
;; => #uuid "887e8ea7-5626-43f6-a072-8fffe04dbc6a"
(c/decrypt-uuid k *1)
;; => nil
(defn flip-uuid-bit [i u]
  (-> (c/read-uuid u)
      (.xor (.shiftLeft BigInteger/ONE i))
(c/uuid enc-key "authntic")
;; => #uuid "1a732511-f232-454f-af97-f7bd5149daf1"
(every? nil?
  (map #(c/decrypt-uuid enc-key
                        (flip-uuid-bit % *1))
       (range 0 122)))
;; => true

uuid15 provides more space and less safety:

(c/uuid15 enc-key "Hi I'm 15 bytes")
;; => #uuid "2ffa8ba0-bd05-42b2-b9ec-3b0599e96a82"
(map #(-> (flip-uuid-bit % *1)
          (->> (c/decrypt-uuid15 enc-key))
          ((fnil c/decode-str (c/encode "hmac failure")))
          (.replaceAll "[^\\p{Print}]" ".")) 
     (range 0 120 12))
;; => ("hmac failure" "hmac failure"
;;     ".x.[.I].5 by4es"
;;     "D<...m..5 fytes"
;;     "hmac failure" "hmac failure" "hmac failure" "hmac failure"
;;     "bz.T......-...."
;;     "hmac failure")

Adding support for additional types:

(c/uuid k true)
;; => IllegalArgumentException No method in multimethod 'encode' for dispatch
;;    value: class java.lang.Boolean
(defmethod c/encode Boolean [v] (if v BigInteger/ONE BigIntger/ZERO))
(def decode-boolean pos?) 
(c/uuid k true)
;; => #uuid "f8b3ee26-eb83-4028-a1e2-56bf7675b793"
(decode-boolean (c/decrypt-uuid k *1))
;; => true

Custom formats:

;; 51 base32 chars = 255 bits = 47 + 80 + 128
(def params {:fmt [[47  :iv-seed]
                   [80  :hmac]
                   [128 :ciphertext]]
             :key (c/random-key "AES" 256)
             :cipher "AES/CBC/NoPadding"})
(.toString (c/custom params "Secret~Message") 32)
;; => "ii2qcalka5nb2b57h43nk0h6r12q9ltqfuv5a4hmekistem9u2p"
(.toString (c/custom params "Secret~Message") 32)
;; => "nq8a4ev2r5nb2b57h43nk0h6r0ghc1kpskb3347i075nk1pu4iv"
(c/decode-str (c/decrypt-custom params (BigInteger. *1 32)))
;; => "Secret~Message"
(c/decrypt-custom (assoc params :key (c/random-key "AES" 256))
                  (BigInteger. *2 32))
;; => nil

;; Mario Maker level IDs, just for fun.
;; See note about streaming modes below for why this is insecure.
(def params {:fmt [[16 :ciphertext]
                   [16 0]
                   [ 7 0]
                   [ 5 :iv-seed]
                   [12 :hmac]
                   [ 8 :ciphertext]]
             :key (c/random-key "AES" 256)
             :cipher "AES/CTR/NoPadding"})
(->> (c/custom params "(M)")
     (format "%x")
     (partition 4)
     (map clojure.string/join)
     (clojure.string/join "-")
;; => "1D34-0000-01D6-49A8"
(->> (BigInteger. (.replaceAll *1 "-" "") 16)
     (c/decrypt-custom params)
;; => "(M)"

Implementation details


RFC 4112 specifies that version 4 (random) UUIDs have the form: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-Vxxx-Wxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx


  • V has the bit pattern: 1 0 0 0 (0x4) to indicate the version,
  • W has the bit pattern: 1 0 x x (0x[89AB]) to indicate the variant,
  • and all x are randomly or pseudorandomly generated

This gives us 122 usable bits, which should be indistinguishable from random data.

Since we have less than 128 bits, ciphers with >=128 bit block sizes such as AES cannot be used in normal block modes. Blowfish has 64-bits bits and is really the only choice with these constraints.

By default, ckent uses 64 bits for a Blowfish-encrypted payload, and the remaining 58 bits for a (truncated) SHA-256 HMAC. This ensures the output is always indistinguishable from randomly-generated values, even if the inputs follow predictable patterns, and provides a small but acceptable level of assurance that the value wasn’t tampered with, and that we’re decrypting it with the right key, etc.

There is also a uuid15 function which supports 120-bit (15-byte) payloads, leaving only 2 bits for an HMAC. In this case, additional measures should be taken to ensure the value has not been tampered with in transit. This function is only recommended for values with their own integrity features, such as check digits or a strict format. Note this is NOT the same as checking if a database record exists; an invalid value must be distinct from a missing record. Ideally, more than half of the possible values should be invalid, and invalid values should be treated the same as an HMAC failure.


Most functions in the library deal with Java’s BigInteger class (NOT Clojure’s BigInt class). Having an abitrarily-sized integer type that we can do bit-level operations on and easily convert back and forth to a byte array greatly simplifies dealing with the awkward number of usable bits in a UUID.



Note that RFC 2104 advises against truncating HMACs to fewer than 80 bits, and it was written in 1997. For a 64 bit message, a 58 bit HMAC is plenty to detect casual tampering or transmission errors, but may not be enough to stop a dedicated attacker from forging values. A custom format with a longer HMAC is recommended if you need strong assurance that the message has not been tampered with.

The 2-bit HMAC in the uuid15 format is essentially useless and is only present because we can only encrypt a whole number of bytes, and the bits must be set to something indistinguishable from random. A simpler parity check would expose patterns in the plaintext or detectably depend on the ciphertext.

Stream modes

Beware of the temptation to use a streaming mode for the ability to truncate a cipher with a larger block size to fewer bytes: this is not what those modes are designed for, and using them properly actually requires significantly MORE bytes. In streaming modes it is critically important to never re-use an initialization vector. Generating a unique IV for each message is possible, but it is the size of a full block and you need to include it with the message so you have it for decryption.

Additionally, since there is a 1:1 input:output byte correspondence in stream mode, a MAC is also critically important. Consider what happens if we encrypt sequential IDs from 0-255: the value will always live in the final byte of the ciphertext. Even if we use a unique, perfectly random IV for every identifier, an attacker can still enumerate every possibility by changing the final byte, despite not knowing what value it will decrypt to.

ECB mode

Since we are only encrypting a single block with the uuid function, the traditional dangers of using ECB mode do not apply.

For custom formats that allow for ciphertexts longer than a single block, you should NOT use ECB mode.

CTS mode

CTS (Ciphertext Stealing) makes it possible to generate ciphertexts that are not a multiple of the cipher block size, as long as they are at least one block long. Unlike streaming modes, CTS does not introduce any weaknesses.

While CTS is technically concerned more with padding than block chaining, in the standard JCE it is always combined with CBC and is specified in place of the block chaining mode.

Initialization vectors

If it is desired to have the same identifier produce multiple possible outputs, it is possible to trade some bits of the HMAC for seed bits to generate an IV, or use a custom output format with additional bits.

The uuid15 function uses CTS mode with a static IV, which is essentially changing it from CBC mode to ECB mode. However, because of how CTS works, the two generated blocks still depend on each other and the dangers of ECB are still not applicable.

For custom formats that allow for ciphertexts of two full blocks or more, you should NOT use ECB mode or other modes with a static IV.


  • avoid exposing internal ids in APIs
  • reversibly convert sequential/short ids to random UUIDs
  • seamlessly mix with actual random UUIDS


Released into the public domain.

See UNLICENSE or http://unlicense.org for details.