
Backend repository for a cryptographically secure dating platform

Primary LanguageGo

Puppylove2.0 Backend

Commands for running docker container are in Docker.md

Me-My Encryption

Encryption used in Puppylove2.0 is explained below.

How to setup for development

Clone the repo from the github link & use command go mod tidy to install all dependencies (make sure you've installed go).

Install(if not already) & Run the postgres server(refer link) on your device (depending the OS you're using).

Depending on the authentication details you've set up modify the .env file(refer envformat.txt) by filling in details of the postgres server.

Format of the .env file -- Don't forget to disable SSL if not already.

POSTGRES_HOST = localhost
POSTGRES_DB = puppylove
CFG_ADMIN_PASS = "something"

ADMIN_ID = "admin"
ADMIN_PASS = "admin"

USER_JWT_SIGNING_KEY = "something"
HEART_JWT_SIGNING_KEY = "something2"
DOMAIN = "localhost"

EMAIL_ID = "hello@iitk.ac.in"
EMAIL_PASS = "hello"

Build the app by using go mod build & then run ./me-my_encryption (the generated file). OR you may directly run the main.go file as well.

Server should be up & listening at port 8080.

Deploying the backend and database

For deployment we have chosen to go with a Kubernetes cluster as it is easily scalable and crashes of the backend, do not affect the state of the database. For deploying a server, kindly see DEPLOYMENT.md.

About the Algorithm (I'll try eplaining better when I get time)

let the key to be sent here be k = my_roll_me_roll_rand (eg. 210667_21xxxx_&89h9hKJbx)

Me ->> Server: SHA(k1), enc(SHA(k1))<br/> SHA(k2), enc(SHA(k2))...
Note right of Server: On login
My-->>Server: Give me all enc 
Server-->>My: enc1, enc2, ...
My-->>Server: enc1 is mine
Server-->>My: How do I verify ?
My-->>Server: Here is SHA I got<br/> on decoding,
Note left of Server: SHA & enc match.<br/> So, assign the pair to user.
Note left of My: Now when "my" send his/her<br/>hearts, assigned pairs are also sent.<br/> Also, "my" gets a token for 10min.<br/>To send claimed heart again <br/>if not sent already. (quick fix for clash)
My->>Server: SHA(l1), enc(SHA(l1))<br/> SHA(l2), enc(SHA(l2))...<br/> + <br/> SHA(k1), enc(SHA(k1)) <br/>-enc with pubkey of receiver.
Server-->Me: Syncing data with Me...
Me->>Server: I got my heart back.
Server->>Me: How do I verify ?
Me->>Server: Here is my k(210667_21xxxx_&89h9hKJbx).<br/>Verify it with SHA.
Me->My: Matched

Populate Users in Postgresql

In test_suite/info.json replace adminID with your SUPERUSER of postgres and adminPASS with its password.
And don't make PR with your credentials.

Install the dependencies for Test Suite:

pip install -r test_suite/requirements.txt

To Populate all the Users

cd test_suite
python populate.py

To register all the users

cd test_suite
python register_all_users.py {password} {database} {host} {port}


  • password: Password for all the users
  • database: Database name (Default = puppylove)
  • host: Default =
  • port: Default = 5432