Apache Cassandra website sources


The site depends on Jekyll (https://jekyllrb.com/) which should be installed.

Updating the site

The documentation part of the website is automatically generated from the sphinx documentation in the Cassandra source
repository. If you want to update anything else that the doc, you only have to:

* Make your edits
* Test locally: `make serve`
* Compile for real `make`
* Commit

If you need however to update the doc, you need to "import" the doc before rebuilding the website using:
CASSANDRA_DIR=<path to your C* source dir> make gen-doc
Note that the CASSANDRA_DIR is used to tell the Makefile where to find the doc. It should point to the Cassandra git
source repository, and said repository should be checkout on the branch from which you want to import the doc (pro-tip:
export CASSANDRA_DIR in your bashrc/zhshrc/whatev so you don't have to provide it each time).


Outside of the documentation discussed above, the website is only a few pages that are at top-level. The `index.html`
file is the landing page, and other pages are markdown processed by Jekyll (the index page isn't markdown because it's
layout is slightly more fancy).

Further, the `_data/` directory contains "data" used by the pages. Mainly, the `_data/releases.yaml` file contains the
versions and release dates of the currently released version. It's the file to edit when a new release is published.

The documentation, when imported (by `make gen-doc`), is in the `doc/` directory. As those files are generated, you
should **not** edit anything in that directory.

The rest of the layout is standard to Jekyll:

* `_layout/` contains the page (full) layouts.
* `_includes/` contains fragments used by the different layouts (that's where the header, navigation and footer are).
* `css/`, `js/` and `img/` are what ones would expect (they are included as-is by Jekyll).
* `_sass/` is to `css/` what `_includes` is to `_layout`; it contains sass fragments imported by the main css files
  (currently only the pygments theme for syntax highligthing in the documentation).
* `_plugins/` contains a tiny plugin that make it easier to input download links in the `download.md` file.