Title: Refactor Tractor B

A [Front-End Project] by Robert DeRouin & Peter Muellerleile & Jon Schlandt

  1. Overview
  2. Functionality
  3. Iterations
  4. Technologies
  5. Contributors
  6. Resources


The refactor tractor project refactors the Whats Cooking website to follow single use protocol, address accessability concerns in the HTML, & and dry up the code by utilizing inheritance and better class structure.

Deployed Page

Main Page View

Front Page View

Saved Recipes View

Saved Recipes View

Pantry View

Pantry View


  • Current:
    • User can navigate between three views. "Saved Recipes", "Welcome Screen", and "Pantry".
    • User can save their favorite recipes to the "saved recipes" by clicking on the apple where itwill be added to an array displayed in a grid format.
    • User can delete any recipes in the "saved recipes" view by clicking on the apple icon.


  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. JavaScript
  4. GitHub (website hosting and source code management)
  5. Webpack
  6. Sassy CSS

