
Django extension : web tool for short circuit food supply

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Repanier is a web tool for short circuit food supply using Django CMS 3.7 / Bootstrap 3 / Python 3.5.

Active customers groups :

Active producer :

Licence : GPL v3

How to setup Repanier on Debian 10

This procedure shows you step by step how to install Repanier on a server. By applying it, you have all the elements to update a Repanier website with a new version of Repanier. And even to install several Repanier websites on a server.

Linux prerequisites to run only once

These prerequisites enhance the security of your server and configure it with the minimum libraries required for the installation of Repanier. If you use a different distribution than Debian 9, take a look at cookiecutter-django. If you want to install Repanier on a container, a good starting point is Today I Learned – A Brief Intro to Docker for Djangonauts

  1. Log in as root using a ssh session.
  2. Update Linux and install sudo.
    apt-get update
    apt-get upgrade -y
    apt-get install -y sudo
  3. Remove apache if enabled because we will use nginx and not apache to listen to port 80 and 443.
    service apache2 stop
    apt-get purge apache2 apache2-utils
    sudo apt-get autoremove
  4. Be sure to have the right locales set. This will be used to create the PostgreSQL data base.
    dpkg-reconfigure locales    <<--- select>>>> fr_BE.UTF-8  and/or other following your need. E.g fr_CH.UTF-8
  5. Create a new user whose name is repanier (or whatever else). It will be used to install the Repanier (avoid root for security purpose). Let it be sudoers and a sshuser.
    useradd -m -s /bin/bash repanier
    passwd repanier             <<--- must be a complex password
    usermod -G sudo -a repanier
    groupadd sshusers
    usermod -G sshusers -a repanier
    nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
     #Port 22                <<--- should be uncommented and changed
     Protocol 2
     PermitRootLogin no      <<--- uncomment and set to no
     AllowGroups sshusers    <<--- new line to add
  6. Do not close this current SSH session.
    service ssh restart
  7. On a new SSH session, log you in with user repanier. Reminder : Use the correct ssh port. Then test.
    sudo -l
  8. If you encounter no issue to execute the sudo -l, then close all active ssh sessions.
  9. On a new SSH session, log you in with user repanier. Then install needed linux packages.
    sudo apt-get install build-essential wget gettext unzip git virtualenv postgresql nginx uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python3
    sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
  10. Reboot to apply changes on all active processes.
    sudo reboot

From now on, I guess you're still logged in as user repanier

  1. On a new SSH session, log you in with user repanier.

Create Django cache and session directories

Each Repanier website will be (later) configured to use it's own cache and file session subdirectory under both main directories we create now. For the impatient, this configuration will be made in common_settings.py : DJANGO_SETTINGS_CACHE and DJANGO_SETTINGS_SESSION

  1. Create Django cache directory and give acces to it at the group www-data. This group is used by the web server nginx.
    mkdir /var/tmp/django-cache
    sudo chgrp www-data /var/tmp/django-cache
    chmod g+w /var/tmp/django-cache
  2. Create Django file session directory and give acces to it at the group www-data.
    mkdir /var/tmp/django-session
    sudo chgrp www-data /var/tmp/django-session
    chmod g+w /var/tmp/django-session

Set up a Python virtualenv

A virtualenv let you isolate all the pypi librairies for a specific project. One virtualenv can contains many Repanier websites, using such all the same version of the pypi librairies. You will need to setup a new virtualenv at least at each security update of a package present in requirement.txt And then create (or migrate) Repanier websites.

  1. Create a python virtual environment called prd1 here. Choose whatever you want, but carefully change it to what you choose everywhere in this tutorial.
    cd ~
    python -m venv prd1
    # virtualenv --python=python3 prd1
  2. Goto the virtualenv and activate it
    cd ~/prd1
    source bin/activate
  3. Install the pypi librairies versions required by Repanier
    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pcolmant/repanier/master/requirements/requirement.txt
    pip install -r requirement.txt

Create a Django empty project with a PostgreSQL data base

We assume here :

  • that the virtualenv is named prd1
  • that the Repanier website will be named _0_prd_example

A recommended naming convention for a Django Repanier website is _counter_environment_name :

  • counter : 0..9,a..z
  • environment : prd, dev, ... The environment should match the virtualenv naming. For e.g. prd for virtualenv prd1.
  • name : only made of lower cases.
  1. Create a postgresql database
    • db_user is _0_prd_example. Choose whatever you want, but carefully change it to what you choose everywhere in this tutorial.
    • db_password is not the repanier user password. It's a new password you set to connect the user to the Db.
    • db_name is _0_prd_example. So, the same name as the Repanier website. This is not mandatory, but will ease the management.
    sudo -u postgres psql
    CREATE USER _0_prd_example PASSWORD 'db_password';
    ALTER ROLE _0_prd_example WITH CREATEDB;
    CREATE DATABASE _0_prd_example WITH TEMPLATE = template0 OWNER = _0_prd_example ENCODING = 'UTF8' LC_COLLATE = 'fr_BE.UTF-8' LC_CTYPE = 'fr_BE.UTF-8';
    \q  <---- to leave postgresql
    I have not investigated why but user, role and owner must be set to the same value.
  2. Goto the virtualenv and activate it
    cd ~/prd1
    source bin/activate
  3. Create an empty django website
    django-admin.py startproject _0_prd_example
  4. Create the media directory and give it correct read/write acces rights for the webserver. For the impatient, this setting come from common_settings.py : MEDIA_ROOT
    cd ~/prd1/_0_prd_example/_0_prd_example/
    mkdir media/public -p
    sudo chgrp -R www-data media
    sudo chmod -R g+w media

Configure nginx to answer to example.com dns name

Create self-signed certificates for SSL (only necessary for local networks)

sudo mkdir /etc/nginx/ssl-certs/
sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/nginx/ssl-certs/example.key -out /etc/nginx/ssl-certs/example.crt
    Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:BE
    State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:Belgium
    Locality Name (eg, city) []:Ath
    Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:Repanier
    Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:
    Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []:example.com
    Email Address []:

Edit the nginx configuration file

sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
user www-data;
http {
    send_timeout                300s;
    proxy_connect_timeout       60s;
    proxy_send_timeout          60s;
    proxy_read_timeout          610s;
sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/_0_prd_example
server {
    listen 443;
    listen [::]:443;

    server_name example.com;

    # begin of ssl config for self-signed certificates
    ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl-certs/example.crt;
    ssl_trusted_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl-certs/example.crt;
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl-certs/example.key;
    # end of ssl config for self-signed certificates

    access_log /var/log/nginx/_0_prd_example_access.log;
    error_log /var/log/nginx/_0_prd_example_error.log;

    client_max_body_size 3M;

    location /media/ {
        alias /home/repanier/prd1/_0_prd_example/_0_prd_example/media/public/;

    location /static/ {
        alias /home/repanier/prd1/_0_prd_example/_0_prd_example/collect-static/;

    location /favicon.ico {
        alias /home/repanier/prd1/_0_prd_example/_0_prd_example/media/favicon.ico;

    location /robots.txt {
        alias /home/repanier/prd1/_0_prd_example/_0_prd_example/media/robots.txt;

    location / {
        include                 uwsgi_params;
        uwsgi_param             HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST $server_name;
        # With NAT on virtualbox, if you NAT local port 8080 to 80 on virtual server 
        #     replace HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST $server_name;
        #     with HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST $server_name:8080;
        uwsgi_pass              unix:///tmp/_0_prd_example.sock;
        uwsgi_read_timeout      600s;
        uwsgi_send_timeout      60s;
        uwsgi_connect_timeout   60s;
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/_0_prd_example /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/_0_prd_example

Configure uwsgi

sudo nano /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/_0_prd_example.ini
vhost = true
plugins = python3
socket = /tmp/_0_prd_example.sock
master = true
enable-threads = true
processes = 1
thread = 2
buffer-size = 8192
wsgi-file = /home/repanier/prd1/_0_prd_example/_0_prd_example/wsgi.py
virtualenv = /home/repanier/prd1/
chdir = /home/repanier/prd1/_0_prd_example/
harakiri = 360
sudo ln -s /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/_0_prd_example.ini /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/_0_prd_example.ini

Configure Repanier

Create the system configuration file for Repanier. In the example, the very first person who will be responsible for the group is Eva Frank. The name of the group is GASAP Example.

nano ~/prd1/_0_prd_example/_0_prd_example/_0_prd_example.ini

A common mistake here is to use a non valid example.com DNS name on a production environnement, i.e. without DJANGO_SETTINGS_DEBUG=True If you are on a local PC/MAC/.. do not forget to add example.com to your "hosts" file. On Windows, it's usually : C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts Always on windows, remember to open a shell as an Administrator to edit C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts with notepad

Some other parameters may be set in the [REPANIER_SETTINGS] section of here above _0_prd_example.ini

  • REPANIER_SETTINGS_BOOTSTRAP_CSS (bootstrap.css, bootstrap_my_own.css, bootstrap_another.css) : Allows you to change the look of the site.
  • REPANIER_SETTINGS_COUNTRY (be, fr, ch, es) : Allows you to change the applicable VAT. The currency (EUR, CHF, ...) is configured directly in the management interface of Repanier.
  • REPANIER_SETTINGS_BCC_ALL_EMAIL_TO : If present, email address to put in bcc of all the mails
  • REPANIER_SETTINGS_CUSTOMER_MUST_CONFIRM_ORDER (True, False) : If True, unconfirmed orders are cancelled by Repanier.
  • REPANIER_SETTINGS_DELIVERY_POINT (True, False) : If True, Repanier lets you manage more than one delivery point per offer.
  • REPANIER_SETTINGS_MANAGE_ACCOUNTING (True, False) : If True, Repanier is used to manage the accounts (customers, proucers, bank).
  • REPANIER_SETTINGS_ROUND_INVOICES (True, False) : Round the total amount of the order as appropriate to 0 or 5 cents.
  • REPANIER_SETTINGS_SHOW_PRODUCER_ON_ORDER_FORM (True, False) : If True, Repanier show the producer of the product on the order form.
  • REPANIER_SETTINGS_SMS_GATEWAY_MAIL (EMPTY_STRING, ) : Email address of a sms gateway service.

Install or update Repanier

  1. Git clone the Repanier project into the home folder of the user repanier
    cd ~
    rm -rf repanier_git
    git clone https://github.com/pcolmant/repanier repanier_git
  2. Populate the Repanier django project
    cp ~/repanier_git/mysite/media/robots.txt ~/prd1/_0_prd_example/_0_prd_example/media/
    cp ~/repanier_git/mysite/media/favicon.ico ~/prd1/_0_prd_example/_0_prd_example/media/
    cp ~/repanier_git/mysite/common_settings.py ~/prd1/_0_prd_example/_0_prd_example/
    cp ~/repanier_git/mysite/urls.py ~/prd1/_0_prd_example/_0_prd_example/
    cp ~/repanier_git/mysite/wsgi.py ~/prd1/_0_prd_example/_0_prd_example/
    cp -R ~/repanier_git/mysite/locale/ ~/prd1/_0_prd_example/_0_prd_example/
    cp -R ~/repanier_git/cron/ ~/prd1/_0_prd_example/
    sudo chown www-data:www-data ~/prd1/_0_prd_example/cron/*.sh
    sudo chmod +x ~/prd1/_0_prd_example/cron/*.sh
    cp ~/repanier_git/manage.py ~/prd1/_0_prd_example/
    cp -R ~/repanier_git/repanier/ ~/prd1/_0_prd_example/
  3. Goto the virtualenv and activate it
    cd ~/prd1
    source bin/activate
  4. Clear the cache to avoid access rights conflicts
    sudo rm -rf /var/tmp/django-cache/*
  5. Update Repanier static files and data base
    cd ~/prd1/_0_prd_example
    python manage.py collectstatic
    python manage.py empty_null_fields
    python manage.py makemigrations repanier
    python manage.py migrate
  6. Create a superuser if it's not done yet
    python manage.py createsuperuser
  7. Clear again the cache to avoid access rights conflicts
    sudo rm -rf /var/tmp/django-cache/*
  8. Restart (restart) nginx and uwsgi -- or Reload (reload) if no DNS/certificate change
    sudo nginx -t && sudo service nginx restart
    sudo service uwsgi restart
  9. Browse to http://example.com/
  10. Reset the pasword for the very first user whose mail is eva.frank@no-spam.ws
  11. Then log in as this user, create others customers, producers, products, ....

How to activate https with Let's Encrypt

Validate the defaults when prompted

sudo git clone https://github.com/letsencrypt/letsencrypt /opt/letsencrypt
cd /opt/letsencrypt
sudo ./letsencrypt-auto

How to change superuser password

Repanier users must be created and updated through the Repanier interface. This command allows you to create or change password of Django administrators and not of users of your Repanier site.

  1. Goto the virtualenv and activate it
    cd ~/prd1
    source bin/activate
  2. If you know the superuser user name
    manage.py changepassword user_name
  3. Else create a new one
    python manage.py createsuperuser
  4. Clear the cache to avoid access rights conflicts
    sudo rm -rf /var/tmp/django-cache/*
  5. Reload uwsgi
    service uwsgi reload

How to debug

/!\ Never do it on a production environment and never forget to set it back to non debug mode...

  1. Update the Repanier config file
    nano ~/prd1/_0_prd_example/_0_prd_example/_0_prd_example.ini
  2. Reload uwsgi
    service uwsgi reload

How to check log files

 sudo tail -f /var/log/uwsgi/app/_0_prd_example.log
 sudo tail -f /var/log/nginx/_0_prd_example_error.log
 sudo tail -f /var/log/nginx/_0_prd_example_access.log

How to backup / restore the data base

pg_dump -Fc -U repanier _0_prd_example > db.sql
pg_restore  -U repanier --format=c --no-owner --dbname=_0_prd_example db.sql

Repanier cron jobs

Repanier povides scripts to backup the db, close the orders and delete pending purchases. Those scripts have to be placed in cron jobs of the user www-data.

Due to the GDPR, the backup db script also anonymize old and inactive customers.
