
A Jekyll plugin to convert relative links to markdown files to their rendered equivalents

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Jekyll Relative Links

Build Status

A Jekyll plugin to convert relative links to Markdown files to their rendered equivalents.

What it does

Let's say you have a link like this in a Markdown file:


While that would render as a valid link on GitHub.com, it would not be a valid link on Pages. Instead, this plugin converts that link to:


It even work with pages with custom permalinks. If you have bar.md with the following:

permalink: /bar/

# bar

Then [foo](bar.md) will render as [foo](/bar/).


Because Markdown files rendered by GitHub Pages should behave similar to Markdown files rendered on GitHub.com


  1. Add the following to your site's Gemfile:
gem 'jekyll-relative-links'
  1. Add the following to your site's config file:
  - jekyll-relative-links


You can configure this plugin in _config.yml under the relative_links key. This is optional and defaults to:

  enabled:     true
  collections: false

Processing Collections

Setting the collections option to true enables relative links from collection items (including posts).

Assuming this structure

├── _my_collection
│   ├── some_doc.md
│   └── some_subdir
│       └── another_doc.md
├── _config.yml
└── index.md

the following will work:

File Link
index.md [Some Doc](_my_collection/some_doc.md)
index.md [Another Doc](_my_collection/some_subdir/another_doc.md)
_my_collection/some_doc.md [Index](../index.md)
_my_collection/some_doc.md [Another Doc](some_subdir/another_doc.md)
_my_collection/some_subdir/another_doc.md [Index](../../index.md)
_my_collection/some_subdir/another_doc.md [Some Doc](../some_doc.md)


Even if the plugin is enabled (e.g., via the :jekyll_plugins group in your Gemfile) you can disable it by setting the enabled key to false.