
Get Irish townlands geojson from townlands.ie and convert to WKT changing the projection for neatline

Primary LanguagePerlMIT LicenseMIT

Get Irish townland geodata for the Neatline geotemporal exhibits builder from www.townlands.ie

This utility converts from the GeoJSON found on www.townlands.ie to EPSG:3857 encoded as [WKT] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Well-known_text) and suitable for import to Scholar's Lab [Neatline] (http://neatline.org/)


  • sample_urls.txt: sample file of pipe-delimited townlands.ie relative-urls and townland names

  • geoj-wkt.pl: script to get the townland geojson encoded coordinates and do conversion. Creates a directory 'wkt-output' with a seperate file for each townland processed.

  • README.md: this file