Email Parser Lab

Learning Goals

  • Practice defining a class and using an attr_accessor to create setter and getter methods
  • Use Test-Driven Development (TDD) to write working code


You will be writing an EmailAddressParser class that gets initialized with a string of emails.

Your job is to parse those email addresses into a useful array using an instance method, parse.

I should be able to do this:

email_addresses = ","
parser =

# => ["", ""]

You should be able to initialize with a list of email addresses either separated with spaces or separated with commas. The parse method should, additionally, only return unique addresses.


This lab is test-driven, so run the test suite to get started and use the test output to get the program working.


  • How will you control for parsing a list of email addresses that is either comma separated or separated by a white space?
  • Use an attr_accessor to set and get the list of email addresses